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Give and get support around quitting


Newbie Quitters

You can use this wall to introduce yourself and tell your story! Remember, this group is only for those who have stopped smoking completely (no matter for how long). We can use the advice of experienced EX's, too. I am on my 4th day (again), using this site much more and reading reading reading!
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444 Replies

Welcome Kristine,
  Congratulations on your decision to quit. Are you going cold turkey or are you going to take help from the many products out there? I am taking Chantix and along with the great people on this site I am now five days out without smoking. I believe the main reason I have succeeded is support. I never had that before. Good luck and stay in touch. Nancy
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Hi all, I've been on this site a few weeks. But I think I ran too fast trying to quit in a hurry, not realizing I needed more help than I do. I have eliminated 90% of my traditional pack / day just by visiting here with everyone and learning more. Everyone has such good ideas that I try. Some work for me..Some may work for you...I am so sick of my "hyjacked brain". thinking of you all, Anna
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Hi, I just quit today. I'm on the patch, and it seems to be curving the cravings just fine. but this MENTAL stuff. Driving me nuts. It feels like I am my own worst enemy!!! Why am I trying to convince myself that smoking just one cigarette won't hurt me?!? I'm petrified of myself getting in the car on my way home from work today. its an hour in the car, and thats one of my biggest triggers. I'm really feeling fatigued at this point. Not really grouchy or anything, just tired. I want to quit for good. I've nevr quit before. I see so many of my co-workers quit then go back. quit then go back. It never ends for them! I don't want to do that. If anyone has any good ideas for the car ride, I'd
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Hi Anna, Welcome to the group. You are doing great. Don't be hard on yourself that you are still smoking. You heading in the right direction and you will know when your time to quit has come. In the mean time keep on coming to this site ans know that I am here to support you. Love, Nancy
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Hi Leesy, I'm new here too, and just quit yesterday (same as you). I too am feeling pretty okay, and am using the patch. One of the things for the car ride that I found helpful yesterday was 1.) remembering that it was just my brain that was telling me I wanted a cigarette, and I was not really craving nicotine-- because I had the patch on, and 2.) sucking on a lollypop. I also know someone who would drive with a pencil in thier fingers like a cigarette, just to get the feeling there. The one thing you have to steer clear from is rationalizing, and go automatically home. Stopping at a store is just going to make it more tempting!

  Good luck! We're all in this together, and it also helps to just think about it as one day at at time. If you can get through today, that's a victory. Tomorrow is another day, with another set of hurdles to cross, and another victory at the end of it.
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I'm on day 2 and doing okay. Using the patch, along with lollypops & gum. Noticed this morning that I didn't immediately think of a cigarette, so I think putting the patch on at night is definitely the way to go for me. (I don't mind weird dreams.) And this site is definitely helping me throughout the work day to get through the times where I really *think* I want a cigarette. It seems as though the difficulty level of quitting comes in waves. For an hour or so, I can think, "Yeah, I got this." And the next hour, "...DAMNIT! No... Just one?... No!" Urgh. But, if everyone else on here is right, it gets better! 🙂 I'm optimistic and determined.
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Welcome, BluEyzLdy. I don't know about fasting during the first few weeks. Some triggers that are best avoided are being too: Hungry, Angry, Lonely or Tired (HALT). Keep drinking water, it quells the cravings pretty well. Cranberry juice is said to be good, too. Keep yourself occupied during the day and get plenty of sleep at night. Be patient with your quit and the cravings will be noticeably diminished after a few weeks.
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Today is my first full day. I tapered off the last couple days knowing my time had come to quit. This morning I woke up, and I just didn't smoke. I'm doing it cold turkey.
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Almost through day 2 of zero smoking and I feel great! There were several times my triggers went off and I wanted to light-up, but I told myself "sorry buddy, those days are gone"... and I continued with what I was doing and didn't look back. 🙂 I have an unopened pack of cigs here at home that I can point to and laugh at when I'm "bitch-slapping" a craving around here and there.
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Good for you! That is great that you are really enjoying your quit, Glen. When do you think you'll toss those ugly cigarettes, though? It can play tricks with your mind, otherwise. Keep up the good work though. Whatever works for you!

  P.S. Don't be sorry that those days are gone, be happy, merry, joyful! You are embracing a new "you" now– one who is healthier and more productive than ever. Keep it up, best wishes!
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