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Give and get support around quitting


New to this!

Not sure I'm even posting on the correct board.

Today is my quit day.  The calendar here told me it was too soon but it's too easy for me to keep bumping it back for one reason or another. I've done it before.  quit for 5 years.  Then started dating a man who smoked. We had a disagreement, I grabbed for his cigarettes and that was that!

Been smoking again for 3 years and hate it.   My 13 year old daughter breaks down and SOBS when she catches me smoking.  I have a horrible cough, nasty smelling clothes, an empty wallet and all the other nasty affects of smoking in my life.  I'm counting on my prayer life to help me through this and also joined this web site for support. 

I'm determined to do it this time.  I haven't told anyone that I quit.  I always have in the past and they're so use to me giving up the idea after a day or two.  Not this time.  I'm truly determined.


I REALLY need everyone's help here though!.....saying this as I'm chomping away on my nicorette gum.


Please provide me with all the tips/testimonies/support you possibly can!

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1 Reply

Good Morning Ritam, I am new here to. I don't think that you are on the wrong board, I find your post and that it was in the right place LOL! I quit yesterday and my calendar told me it was too soon too, but hey, I knew I was ready. I only told my Hubby and 1 of my children that I quit. Too many times before I would tell it to the world, and then I would start agaon and the snickers would really hurt when I heard them. This time my Hubby is my sole"live" support. He came home yesterday with a card that said I was strong but If I felt weak, He was strong and there to pick me up. I cried. But hey, I cried a lot yesterday. It's not easy giving up a long time companion. I put a jar on my kitchen counter. Every day when Hubby comes home he is going to put 1 dollar in it for me not smoking. It may not seem like much, but I was laid off last July and I can't find a job yet, so a dollar means at the end of the week I will have 7 and I can buy something for myself without feeling guilty. So, now that I have rattled on what I wanted to say is I pretty much am checking this borad 2-3 times a day and if you need someone to chat with, vent to or a crying partner....just post and I will reply! You Can Do This!!!! I wish you peace & strength on you quit! Blessings~Linda

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