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Give and get support around quitting


New to the Group

Hi Everyone... I am a newbie, but I have a set quit date of June 25, 2013.  I may try to move it up, but I didn't want to be too aggressive with it and then fail, again, at quitting.  I am going to use the patch as a tool.  I hope it will help me.  Good luck to everyone else who is quitting or has already quit in June!

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My date is the 65th birthday. Good luck to all.

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Hello!  My quit date is this Friday, June 21, 2013.  Sure do hope to see my folks here posting.  We can do this!

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My quit date is today! I put the patch on last night--luckily I've learned by now that if I wait until morning, I'll have a list of excuses not to put it on. I joined this site on my first cigarette-free break at work to give myself something to do. 🙂 Feeling optimistic--so tired of smoking and worrying about how it will affect me in the long-term that grows closer every day. Freedom! Hopefully I won't be wanting to stab myself in the eye by the end of the day.

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Freedom!  Quit today after about 8 years of qutting on a weekly basis.  I honestly find this site confusing, and not very user friendly.  I'd like to get daily support and perhaps tips from time to time.  I am a closet smoker so most people I know did not know I smoked, so not too many people I can confide in.  Suggestions?

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I was so exhausted yesterday (Day 1 on the patch), I took a one-hour nap after work! I felt pretty foggy-headed much of the day, and obviously thought about cigarettes a LOT, but looked up resources on this site or took a walk on my breaks at work instead of smoking. In the evening--which has always been the hardest time for me, when I really just want to hide out back and smoke after a long day--I worked out, ate a ginormous fruit salad, watched a favorite TV show and did some yoga. I found half of a cigarette and contemplated smoking it, but beat the urge because I honestly just could not give up the first day I've made it without smoking in so long. I wanted to prove to myself that the value of my health and well-being is greater than this addiction.

This morning, I realized how tough really stressful situations are going to be when I started CRYING over some random thing that I would have used as an excuse to light up before. I cried for a minute, went back to solving the problem, cried again, and then I took a walk and just told myself that I would tackle the situation with a can-do attitude---and I solved the problem within two minutes.'s obviously going to be a long road, but if I can make it 36 hours, I can keep going. Slow death by cancer is infinitely more stressful than dealing with everyday events without having cigarettes as a crutch.

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Hi! My name is Susie. Tomorrow (June 22nd) is my quit day. I'm feeling ready. I'm still somewhat nervous, but over lying feeling is that I will be glad to rid myself of them! Tomorrow would have been my niece's 27th birthday. This is why I chose that date. She died a year ago in April from drug overdose. I'm pulling strength from her for my quit. Good luck to everyone! 

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