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Give and get support around quitting


New and reaching out

Hi everyone! I'm going by LuX.  This is not my first attempt at smoking, but this time around I decided to stop being so intelligent and try it someone else's way.  My way was just not working ;-).    I am in the cigarette tracking phase with a quit date of August 15th.  Really seeking support this time around because I believe this is it. 

The first question I have is how should I properly use the cigarette tracking?

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4 Replies

I would like to welcome you. What you can really do is blog. If u will write a blog and post it, you will have lots of people helping you. Im kate and Ive been quit 1 month tomorrow. Just go to the blogs and the ones to help u are there waiting!!
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Hi, My name is Tina and although my quit date should be around the same as yours, I really needed to jump in feet first so I fixed my quit date to Monday.

I did track my cigarettes for two days now.  Probably not the best time to do it as I didn't feel too well and I usually have all the motivation in the world on those days.  I make myself very aware of how many I smoke.  The last time I tried to track was back in January and I tracked for a week.  Carried a little memo tablet in my handbag and everyone I lit up, I wrote it down and then entered them all when I got home.

I wish you the best in your endevour and hope that this site can help. Will you be using anything to help you quit?  I have tried the patch and it worked but I don't think I used it long enough. How many cigarettes do you smoke and how long?

I have smoked for 36 years, and smoke about a pack and half a day.  I have brought that down to about a half a pack in the last week. I was pretty sure cold turkey would not work again.

I put you down as a friend and maybe we can helop each other navigate through this and beat this for good.



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Welcome!!  You should consider writing blogs.  Theres lots more people reading those and theres more traffic there.  Hard for me to explain why, maybe its just how the site is laid out. 

As for tracking your cigarettes, I did well with it some days, others not so well.  Most important thing is don't get frustrated if you forget to track a few or miss a day because of life happening.  Whats important mainly is identifying and recognizing the triggers and times you normally smoke - when you first wake, after that coffee, that meal.. after the salad, before the shower.. you get the idea.  Mentally plot out in your head where the tough spots are, it will help you prepare to combat them.

Again, WELCOME!!!  Feel free to add me as a friend, and I do hope you all will consider posting a blog or two.. you'll be surprised at the feedback!!

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Am starting today....How do u track your cigs????ohh I get it ...trigger times etc......Wish me luck.....looking forward to being smokefree and breathing deeply......signalsmokeless

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