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Give and get support around quitting


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Hello everyone..Not sure where to start..I hope this is the right spot..I have been smoking for 47 years and just last week I was diagnosed with stage 1 bladder cancer and am determined to quit smoking this time..I am here to make friends and hope we can help each other along the way..So far, I have been trying to wean myself off of the cigs going from a little over half a pack to about 3-4 a day..It is so hard and I just don't think I have the willpower to just throw them down and go cold turkey..I have used Chantix in the past with bad side effects so that's not an option..All ideas about quitting will help so much..Thanks all..

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1 Reply

Welcome!  I am a cancer survivor and sorry to say that my diagnosis did not make me quit.  Last cig was January 28 - hoping I can stick with it.  Congrats on dropping down to 3-4 a day - that is real progress.  My strategy - the urge to smoke goes away whether you light up or not.

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