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Give and get support around quitting


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I have been thinking about quitting for months.  I tried cutting back but as a long as cigs were in my possession I smoked them.  I then added up the money each week I was spending on them.  WOW!!!!  That was a bitg eye opener. 

Yesterday I quit.  I tell ya, all I can think about is smoking right now.  I don't miss it but it is a habit.  When I take my dog out I smoke, when I drive, I smoke, when I talk on  the phone, I smoke. 

I found this site through day one.  Today is day 2

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Good luck and congrats to making it to day 2.  I'm right with you.  I'm on the patch and it is working good for me.  Seems like today is a little more difficult with the cravings.  They aren't too overwhelming but aggrevating.  I just keep telling myself not to take the dang patch off and smoke.  I am constantly exercising every time I get a craving.  I'll dance around, or get my 5 lb. weights and do some arm exercises.  I needed to work on toning my arms anyways. lol


The cravings go away pretty quick and I give myself a pat on the back for making it through.    Keep strong and keep reading on this site.  It's kept me from getting up and smoking quite a few times.  

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Good job!  Keep it up!  I'm on day 9 (almost double digits).  Because I only smoked a few cigarettes a day, I kept telling myself it wasn't a big deal.  Those 3 or 4 were becoming 7 & 8; & I hated being a closet smoker (if there really is such a thing).  So far, the cravings come & go.  Even though I was never a-pack-a-day, it's still hard! 

But it's tomorrow I'm worried about.  A co-worker is coming back from vacation & she's the one I'd go smoke with when we'd take a break.  Hope I can hold out!  Any suggestions??

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I would be honest with the person.  Just tell her, you quit and you would really like her support.  🙂

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