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My Cousin Bought Me A Vape

Hi!, my cousin bought me a vape pen when I was trying to quit smoking cigars and she won't stop coming over to my parents house where I live.  I don't know what to do because I was never into vapes, I'm trying to quit smoking cigars.

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3 Replies

@joehasenluna Welcome to the Ex. and congrats on your desire to quit smoking.  One thing we learn when we're trying to quit smoking is that it's our quit and no one else's.  You're in control.  You need to tell anyone else who is interfering that they need to stop.

Many people have switched to vaping to quit smoking and come to the site even more addicted than they were with smoking.

Pick a quit date, prepare for your quit and join us. We're here to support.

Do lots of reading on the site:




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It can be so tough to deal with unwanted "helpful" gifts.

My daughter has been pestering me to join Cross Fit. I have no interest for a million reasons.

I suppose it's "Thanks, but I using a different method", "I'll keep it in mind" or "Thanks, but no thanks" or there is always "LEAVE ME ALONE!!!!" 🙂

Meanwhile, congrats on your quit - Stay strong and breathe deep!





@joehasenluna Hi. Welcome to Ex. Generally there is quite a bit of "homework" that goes with the site and your quit if you are doing it right. Maybe you can share the work you are doing with your cousin.

We have another member who was quit but had a relapse smoking cigars. Some of the cigars are equal to 5-12 cigarettes. A lot of us just learned this for the first time.

What Barbscloud wrote is true that many people take up vape to quit smoking and then get more addicted to the vape.

You can check this out by typing "vape" "vaping""vape substituted for cigarettes" in our search bar. You can show the results to your cousin if that is an easier way to go.

Check out the journals/blogs area to read current posts. You may want to comment on blogs, stay close to the site, write your goodbye letter to cigars, update us on your progress, take the daily pledge and participate as much as you can. It will help you with your quit. Blog anytime you need help or support.😃

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