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Give and get support around quitting


May Quitters

just signed up and finished my profile. I have picked my quit date and it happens to be in May. so I decided to join the other May quitters. Good Luck to all you May quitters
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292 Replies

My Mom died 04/05/2010 and I told her I would quit in Honor of her this is my second day quitting I quit 05/24/2010 and in Honor of her I will stop for good because everytime I want a cig I will remember my promise to my Mom she died of Cancer she smoked for over 50 years...I started when I was 13 and I am now 48 with COPD...The doctor told me anyone that has smoked more then 10 years has COPD....I know it is 95% in your mind I have stopped so many times and started back when things got tough...not this time In honor of Mom I will do it....I knew she was dying so that is why i made that promise on her dying bed because I knew I would never break my promise to her...Good Luck all to a smoke free life...Karen

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Well I am going to do it! May 31, No World Smoking Day (?). I have 2 boys and each time I quit smoking immediately when I found out that I was pregnant, and they will be my reason again.


Wish me luck, I am one of the ones who likes to smoke. I don't like the lives that I affect (my sons).

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I quit on the 24th. I am having very, very, intense cravings. The good part: I have so much more energy! I woke up at 7am and cleaned my kitchen! 

I do feel a sense of loss. and often I don't know what to do with myself.

So far the benefits outweigh the discomfort. I have to keep this up!

Natha- I would be happy to talk to you. For support I come to this site and read peoples stories and responses. I also post whenever I can. Going for a walk or doing something active works for me (it also keeps off the pounds!)/

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I quit May 16th, so I am on day 10 and I am Loving my quit.....
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good luck to you May quitters , ONE DAY AT A TIME is how i do it ,

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Today is 48 hours since I quit.......11pm May 26th I had my last cigarette.  Do I WANT to quit........NO.  I LIKE to I know how ridiculously stupid it is to burn up dollar bills when I am struggling so hard as a single mom to make ends meet......YES.  Do I realize that breathing poison into my lungs on a daily basis is only going to make it HARDER to continue to work as much as  I need to to pay the mortgage and take care of my daughter........YES.   I am done......not at an urge of WANTING to, but at the level of being intelligent enough to know how absolutely crazy it is for me to continue.  This is the hardest addiction I've ever tried to stop...........I WILL be done!  I WILL not smoke another cigarette. 

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ok so i quit on the 24th... is anyone else getting a nasty taste in their mouth and a runny nose. i also have what seems like something that crawled up my nose and died. it smells aweful when i sniff in my runny nose i dont know if it is my nose or the runny part or what. can anyone help??? p.s. i brush and floss often and that includes my tounge. so i dont think higene has anything to do with it.

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Quit day may 3! 

Patriot1153, yes, the nose and throat thing has been bad for the last week!  Almost like sinus troubles.  Maybe cause I can smell things better all the spring flowers are bothering me more now.  I had some trouble with it when I smoked but now it is awful!

But, I still say it is better than smoking.  But when I felt like this as a smoker I always wanted to smoke more...So the craves have been kind of strong for a few days.

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I'm going to quit may 1 and I am so scared of failing.  I quit for one year and started up again and smoking for a year now.  I want to quit for health, money, and my family.  I need a lot of support and somewhere to talk so to get through this hard time.

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My quit day is set for May 5th, or when I run out of my cigs.  I have a whole pack beside the pack I am smoking now.  I smoke outside, and  I know after not smoking for 10 years, I will do it .  It is just hard, I have The Lord in my life and I know He doesn't want us to do this to ourselves.  I'm still trying to figure out this message board and how to find friends.  I have a friend so far, Diane.  She is a special person, with God in her life too. 

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