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Hi! I have been a smoker since I was 13, now 25 and feel its time to finally quit.  I have tried a couple times before in the past but just haven't been able to kick it.  I am required to attend a smoking cessation class this afternoon so that my doctor will give me Chantix.  I am an Army wife with 3 large dogs so there are obviously a lot of stress in my life lol.  I am hoping that between this site and the meds I will finallly be able to kick this nasty habit! If anyone has any info (or an opinion) about their experience with Chantix I would appreciate it 😃  Good Luck to you all!!

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1 Reply

Hello! Glad to hear that you want to quit. I have tried to quit multiple times. I am on my 4th day. I heard that Chantix works really well but I have never tried it myself. Welcome to the site and best of luck to you!

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