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It Takes a Made-up Mind

I occasionally read my archived blogs to NEF.  I woke up early this morning.  It was earlier that what I thought.  I looked at the clock wrong so here I am as I use to be, at EX reading in the wee hours of the morning. I was reading a blog in which I quoted my dad about quitting smoking. He said, “You can do whatever you set your mind to do”.  That was years ago and I still remember it. Of course, I have used those words of wisdom in other areas of my life but I never applied them to quitting smoking.  It may sound cliches but believe it!  With the right mindset and education, you can be successful in quitting smoking ...and anything else.  Along this journey, you may hear a lot of cliches but many are so true.  Believe it Achieve it.  Deep breathing... on and on.  With a support system like the EX community, quitting is so doable.  However, you must remain focused on your decision (e.i.commitment, vow, pledge) and not allow anyone, anything, or reason to pick up a stinkin’ cigarette ever again you will remain free. 

I try to look at the brighter side of life, including this quit smoking thing.  Quitting smoking is the beginning of experiencing real life without a cigarette. Some days it is up and some days down  It can be rough.  Some call it a real live roller coaster. In fact, in the beginning, it may not feel so grand as we go through cravings, urges, withdrawal, fears, anxiety, raw emotions, and discomfort. Some equate quitting as the end of a friendship, or lovers breakup.  To me, it was a “new beginning”.   In my mind, It was “my cleansing”.  With every crave, I felt my body cleansing the toxins/drugs.  At times it was tense and other times a newfound euphoria that only "cleansing" delivered. Whew!  Blowing thinking it about it.  I believe that this mindset made it easier for me.  I was EXcited to be on a brighter path of living that I could be my own best friend.  I learned to love myself more without a "stinkin’ sickerette".   I  began doing things I thought I couldn’t do or had procrastinated doing.  It did not happen overnight it is a continuous process of changing my mind even up to just 20 days away from a 5-year quit. Thank God for the transformation. 

I made up my mind that I would literally never ever touch a cigarette ever again.  I remember reading here someone made a vow never to touch a cigarette lighter therefore they would not smoke.  I went further with my vow. Some of you may know my mantra>  "Not in my hand, not on my lips, not on my tongue, not in my lungs, not in my throat, I will not choke.  A vow not to ever smoke no matter what.  Adhering to your vow is an effective mind tool. You have made up your mind and nothing is going to change it. PERIOD.  NOPE (Not One Puff Ever) says that neither death, divorce, heartbreak, sickness, injury, accident, loneliness, home or job loss _______________ ( fill in the blank). is not an EXcuse to smoke. Make up your mind that you will not use EXcuses.  Get started with a made-up mind to prepare your tool kit.  Implement a plan with a made-up mind. Make a vow to ensure you will protect your quit by any means necessary.  Take smoking off the table and do something different. /blogs/Youngatheart.7.4.12-blog/2013/02/25/100-things-to-do-instead-of-smoke?sr=search&searchId=9251... Smoking is not an option SINAO. Make up your mind that you can do this no matter.  It is okay if you have to cry, stomp, scream, moan, sing, pray, dance or laugh your way through it.  With a made-up mind, you will not fail. Make up your mind that you are a nonsmoker and you just don't do that anymore! Another thing my dad would always tell me.

"There is no such thing as “can’t”.   BTW my dad just celebrated his 98th BD

Hang tough, never give up, never give in, stay close. 


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9 Replies

Thanks Jackie.

Made up mind!

Happy Birthday to your dad!


Thank you Jackie for your help and is so true...quitting really helps us to step out and do things we might not have done....Thanks to Nancy YOUNGATHEART I am on a site since yesterday learning Spanish...quitting opens our minds. Wow 98 years old...Happy Birthday to your dad, he sounds like a very wise man....xoxoxoxoxo Colleen 399 DOF 


puedes hacerlo con una mente decidida

I hope you are enjoying it!  The way it's presented, I am not sure you are actually learning the language enough to have a conversation in it, but at the very least it is good brain exercise.  When I took 5 years of Spanish in school, we spent an inordinate amount of  time learning to conjugate verbs and learning all the gender IDs..made it really BORING - but I am having a difficult time with both on Duolingo.  I have 35 days in, and am hoping as it gets further along more framework exercises will be included.

Enjoying it still, though.


You said it all.   A made up mind.   "To me, it was a “new beginning”.   In my mind, It was “my cleansing”.  With every crave, I felt my body cleansing the toxins/drugs...  I believe that this mindset made it easier for me. "  It did make it easier.  You MADE it easier because you had a positive mindset.  You chose that attitude.  And that attitude is one of the keys to overcoming this addiction.  As Elders we can usually tell right off the bat if someone is gonna be successful at this or relapse o'er and o'er.  This journey is so much about positive self talk and reinforcement.  A "made up mind" to succeed - no matter what.  And you sure did!  Great blog!


Thanks, G and you helped. 


Thanks, Jackie. It takes a lot for a smoker to make up his or her mind. You have certainly helped me to refresh my made up mind and keep moving forward in smobriety.


I'm just seeing this post now please wish your Dad a belated happy 98th birthday and thank you for this great blog I like this> the brighter path of living Wow your five year milestone is just around the corner YAY for Smokefree living and YAY for each and every Day WON and or year WON. 


Thank you.  Have a grand day.