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Is just ONE cigarette ok?

I belong to another website for quitting smoking and was invited to a new group today. In that group, somebody posted this same question a few days ago. When I opened the page, What I saw really shocked me. They had a list of people from that website who had fully relapsed after having just "One Cigarette". What was the shocker was that the list was 422 people long! Further on down the page, somebody had a revised list. It was 537 people long! It really makes you think twice about that proverbial "Just one won't hurt!" doesn't it.
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17 Replies

One is never enough!!!!! It's as easy as that!!!!!
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1 would be the death of me I know it
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1 would be the death of me I know it
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One is too many and one thousand is never enough.
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One is too many and one thousand is never enough.
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You just told my story...I thought that one l'il cigarette would be fine. After all, it had been 10 years so what could it hurt? Argh. Boo. Argh. Here I am a full-fledged "social" smoker again.
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I saw some research on this. Depending on the survey, between 90% and 100% of all ex-smokers who relapse ("just one") end up smoking at their full former rate. In other words, once you have stopped smoking and have a choice, the choice is very clear:

a) Never smoke another puff of a cigarette
b) Smoke all the cigarettes again (7500 a year for a pack a day smoker)

There's no third option. So, if you are trying to quit and visualizing that one cigarette, think again. What you should be visualizing is a bucket with seven thousand five hundred cigarette butts (for just the first year). Is that what you want? Or would it be better to just take a few deep breaths until the crave passes?
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Is just one cigarette ok? That would be a no. Been there, done it - leads to more. We are no different than any other addcts. Alcholocs can't have just one drink, etc....
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I have been quit for 129 days and I still think of having "just one". But you want to know what stops me? Well I think how it will make me feel inside. How I will feel about myself knowing that I cheated and now I have to throw 129 days down the drain. I have worked harder on this then anything in my life. I went to collage in my late 30s and got my degree and I worked very hard but nothing like this. I raised 2 kids from the ages of 4 and 6 (they are 22 and 24 now) as a stepmom fulltime with their Mother in and out of the picture when she wanted to be and I thought that was hard, but not like this. I could go on and on but what is boils down to is we work too hard to give in and give up. All I know is how I would feel and that is what keeps me honest with myself.

Take Care,
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