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Give and get support around quitting


I'm saving a bunch of money now!

I been wondering how to quit, when to quit, and what to do to quit. I finally realized there is no secret, you just have to do it and keep not smoking everyday. Its a battle between you and that cigarette. After countless hours of realizing the cigarette does not control me, I knew it was time to quit. This is my fourth day, and I realized that I'm saving almost $200 a day from not smoking. The financial benefits are very rewarding, not to mention the health benefits as well. I breath easier, I'm more focused, and just feel so much better without smoking. I have the weekend coming up, I really need to focus on not smoking and just keep up the battle. I will win the war on nicotine.


Have fun. I'll post my results after the weekend.

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4 Replies

Maybe your will power is enough, but mine has proved to not be in the long term! I had to learn more about nicotine ADDICTION and change my attitude from one of War to one of Peace - not with the cig ever but with myself as an Exer! Embracing my Smoke FREE LIFE was an entirely new perspective for me that made my quit a lot less work! Find out more in the BLOGS where most of us hang out! YOU can win this batlle, by looking in another direction! Best Wishes!

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I Quit smoking at 11pm on March 8th. Havent picked up a cigg since. I feel wonderful!!!! Sleeping better, more energy during the day, and breathing so much easier, these are all the benefits that are making me ask myself, Why did it take so long? Ive saved $6 a day, which doesn't sound like a lot but adds up quickly. Also I am a better influence on my friends & my nieces that look up to me.I am now living the good life.  Good luck to all my Fellow quiters & future quiters, dont let  the nicotine control your life 🙂

ps- Lots of sugar free hard candies, gum & even the electric cigg helped (the one without nicotine)

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I quit for that very reason. However, what drove me to quit for good was panic (agoraphobia) and sinusitis from dental problems. All of the health issues associated with the smoking along with the cost of cigarettes cost us untold thousands of dollars. I have not picked up a cigarette since January, and quit cold turkey. I will not lie, and I do want one all the time, but it is so nice to have extra money for past due bills.

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I need to make a correction. I said I saved over 200 a day from not smoking. It's actually 200 dollars a month from not smoking. This is my sixth day from not smoking, and the cravings are becoming less frequent, and less powerful. I'm so happy at looking at my checking account. I'm saving money than spending money. If you quit for health reasons, great. If you quit for financial reasons, great. If you quit for some other reason, great. You need to quit and stay quitted. The battle isnt whether you quit or not, its staying quit that matters. I'm simply refusing not to buy another pack of cigarettes. So far it is working.

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