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Give and get support around quitting


I don't know if I can quit.

I came here out of desperation.  I am getting very sick from smoking.  I want to quit but the thought scares me so much and stresses me out that the first thing I did after I picked my quit date was smoke.  I am hoping that the process on this website will give me the tools to finally beat this.  Smoking has been such a crutch for me, in good times and bad.  My whole life is centered around the next cigarette.  If I don't quit....the next step might be oxygen.  I did a test last night with an oxygen measuring machine and I woke up in the middle of the night and looked at the machine and my oxygen was really low.  I have to let the doctor read the results to find out what is really going on but it really freaked me out.  I'm only 33 years old.  How can this be happening to me?

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2 Replies

Hi chrissyann, Come over to the BLOGS section and write there. That is where we do all our writting abd reading.

You will def get the support you need from this site. You will be amazed. Check it out. We dont usually write in the forums.

Welcome.~ Marcie~

P.S. we know exactly how you feel.

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Hi Chrissy! Welcome to Ex!  First thing - calm down as much as you can. It's good that you found us. This is a great place for help.  I came here last July, quit smoking on August 1st and now it's been about 260 days smoke free. I'm loving it

Most of us hang out in the Blogs (see 2 tabs from the Forums tab above). Go there and introduce yourself and you'll be amazed at how may responses you'll get, depending on the time of day.

I'm goona write some more on your message board on your page. Glad you are here!

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