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How to handle 'break' smokes at work

I'm new at this, so bear with me. I am reviewing my smoking habits in prep for my quit date. One of my biggest obstacles is going to be smoke breaks at work. How do you manage this with seperation exercises? Do I just delay smoking until the end of the break time? Do I change up the times (but then still, the activity and the cig remain together)? I can't take a break without smoking, and then go back to my office and light up.

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5 Replies

I have had to change my break routine.  I have a customer service type job and do not have set times for breaks.  Now instead of going outside to smoke I will walk around inside (away from the temptations of smokers).  If I can't resist temptation, I have to avoid the situations which tempt me.  

The time it really bothers me is when I get up in the morning on work days.  Coffee just doesn't taste the same without the customary smoke and I procastinate on getting ready for work, like sitting her typing on this blog,  Then the drive into work still seems strange without my "smokie" and I have a time trying to transition into work mode without the smoke trigger.

There were a lot of advertisements about electronic cigerettes at Christmastime and now I am wondering if that is something I should explore except for my gut feeling tells me that it is only a puff away from lighting up the real thing which defeats the whole purpose of quitting smoking. I have to focus and keep remembering that the only cigerette that I have control over is the first one.  If I do not pick up the first one then I do not have to worry about any of the ones after.

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I too am doing the prep work right now and have been for 3 weeks..what i did was when i got done eating i wld sit there a little longer and then come read WHYQUIT.COM and read blogs on here....because they say to delay the time in between cigs to RETRAIN YOUR BRAIN cuz you are associating breaks with smoking! instead of getting right up and going outside for a cig i wld make myself wait....i found each day it was easier to go longer til one day i just stopped smoking after lunch....i use to smoke on my breaks too now i take a walk around the building...spending the same time outside i wld smoking but now i clear my head and BREATH...the breathing helps believe it or not..taking deep breaths and releasing it felt like when i wld take a drag and blow was a lil tough getting use to it but now i dont smoke at work at all! I have cut dwn from 15-20 cigs a day to one. i only smoke right before I leave for work. I stopped smoking in my car too cuz driving was a big trigger too. I cleaned the car out and now its a smoke free car( ive wanted that for years! ) : )

My quit date is Jan 31st and i only have that DAMN MORNING cig to get rid of because of all the prep work ive been doing! I think its made the quit date not so scary for me this time! Ive educated myself soooooooo much this time and thats been the BIGGEST thing for me so far!

I started this on Jan 3rd and smoked 3 cigs a day the first week..then week two i went dwn to 2 a day and now im on week 3 and i have 1 a monday is the start of week 4 and i hope i can just QUIT...that wld be great to do it even before the following Monday which is my quit date!

Make sure to blog often and READ READ READ!!!!!! WE ARE ALL HERE FOR U!!! U CAN DO THIS!!



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Thanks for the advice and support. I am shooting for Feb 1, but we'll see how this prep work goes. I am nearing the end of day 2 of tracking my cigs and determining my triggers. I have started separating that first morning smoke. I have found that if I don't leave the pack right next to the bed, then I am able to stretch the time first thing in the morning. Sometimes, often really, I'm not even smoking in response to a craving or urge...just out of habit. My smoking times are pretty much consistent every day. I smoke when I first get up because...I always do. I smoke during my breaks because...well, I always do. I think the break is going to be one of my hardest.

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WELCOME!!! I had the same problem and realized that for me the solution was to skip my breaks altogether for a while!!! Boy, my boss loved that one!!!LOL! But it worked and I now have 317 Smoke FREE Days!!! You can too!! Find out more in the BLOGS where we hang out! Get LOTS of support there!!! We're waiting for YOU!!!

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I work at a senior's facility that has a full exercise room, that is seldom used.  I plan to go on the the treadmill, with lemon water, for the 15 min. breaks.  At lunch I will hang out long enough to eat, then go back to the treadmill.  I have quit before years ago and remember gaining, so will stop that in it's tracks, hopefully.  At any given time where we all work there is someone trying to quit.  They are understanding and will support you if you let them.  I'm banking on that.  Good luck to you.

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