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How to Separate?PLEASE HELP!!!

I have so many triggers. Hell, everything is a trigger. My worst ones are relaxing, boredom, and feeling blue. I'm BiPolar and ADHD and I'm a stay-at-home housewife, so I have a lot of time on my hands. Actually, I have so many other triggers that the website doesn't have. Like, talking on the phone, utilizing the computer, before bed smoke just to name a few. I also don't know how long to do the first suggestion on the separation page. Like how many times do you wait 5 minutes after you eat. How do I know when to move on to the next step of that separation? I took some advice: I started doing suduko puzzles and I currently do crosswords. But, come on, there's only so much one can do that. I also do latch-hook rugs. But most of my time is spent on the phone and doing housework. The phone is my biggest trigger. PLEASE HELP!!!!!
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14 Replies

Thanks! I'll look at why quit now. Kathi
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thanks for your input. It will be used right away! Kathi
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Lots of good ideas and I thank you, I'll have to try them out thanks Kathi
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i know how u feel. it seems that everything i do i do with a smoke. i just don't know what to do to separate smoking from everything i do.
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I have a friend who used coffe stirrer strays and would chew on those when she wants a cigarette ... she found it very helpful and she would reward herself for each day of not smoking, be it a bubble bath, a self foot/hand massage or watching something she never got a chance to watch.
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