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Give and get support around quitting


How does this program help?

'm new at this but would like to know how it is helping people to quit smoking...
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15 Replies

someone help me
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You are at the best place you can be for help in quitting smoking. the exe plan is a great tool, as for myself, i took CHANTIX for about 32 days, then went cold turkey, it has been only 72 days, but I know that it will be for a life time BECAUSE i AM CERTAINLY NOT GOING THROUGH THIS AGAIN, WHY DON,T YOU JOIN ME AND SO MANY OTHERS AS WE FIGHT THIS ADDICTION, AND WE HAVE THE BENEFIT OF A LOT OF LONG TIME QUITTERS TO HELP US, IT DOES NOT GET ANY BETTER THAN THAT peace! my computer is still not actinG RIGHT
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Your insight was most helpful, but I still don't understand how and when to quit, set dates, and be organized about it. I already know my trigger points but I've been smoking for 40 years and it is the hardest thing to quit that I've ever tried to do. Can't go cold turkey, tried, and failed...patches, tried, and wanted to smoke with it on.....gum, ugh awful tasting, so what am I to do and how.....I would appreciate any input!!! Thank you in advance...
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Thank you for your response, I'm going to give this my best try and with help I'm hoping it works so I can be smoke free and have my freedom back. Thanks again...
0 Kudos you really want to quit..been smoking 50yrs plus all the things I did to my lungs in the 70's80's and 90's
and I want a cig. every min. been 30 days quit. want to live longer...the biggest thing is ..You have to want too!!
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Member go through the EX program. Stop telling yourself what you DO know that didn't work....and find out what you DON'T know !!!! Many sayings work for many people...for you I recommend "NO EXCUSES !!!" The times you tried to quit, you hadn't done the EX program...and you didn't have the support and friendship found on this site !!!
The EX program teaches you separation, track your smokes, identify your triggers....when and how to set your quit date..etc. Then there's cheer you on.
Since you tried to quit before, there are different flavors of gum, different manufacturers of gum; lozenges, etc. Stop listing all the things that didn't work...find something that does.

NOTHING...and I mean NOTHING is going to help you quit, short of a coma, if you don't have the mindset that you really, really want it !!!
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Nicely put Carlie
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I agree with the others they have added great advice, it helps make quitting fun too!
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Hello Cindy! Welcome to this site. You don't have to go through this alone because there's lots of people here that are more than willing to help you. People who have come to this site have been successful in quitting because they aren't alone in their quit. Stick with the winners in here; the ones who are taking this seriously and not smoking anything else as a substitute.
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