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How I counter a "Smoking Thought"

They happen. Smoking thoughts. Even though It's been over 4 years and 3 months since the last time I smoked ,I still occasionally have a thought of smoking. I just started thinking about this after responding to Sharon's blog :  /blogs/shashort-blog/2017/04/11/keeping-it-real-today My comment was: 

"Even after 4 years and 3 months, I get thoughts about having one. I counter that thought by remembering all of the thoughts I've had about how great it is to not be a hostage of nicotine addiction anymore and  how I like not spending $250 a month to enrich big tobacco and resume suicide by sickerettes and  that if I lit one up, it would probably taste like week old horse and cow manure  with a little doggie doo mixed in and that I would probably start to cough up a lung and maybe pass out (;   N.O.P.E. 

What do you think if you get one?

16 Replies

Whenever a smoking thought pops into my head, the thought of my wife running me over with the car quickly chases it away.


All I can say is OUCH!!!


I appreciate the straight talk without any sugar coating. Gotta get real about this shitty habit. Today is my day 8....tell it like it is. I feel like I'm in recovery and taking in fresh air. 


My mother in law quit smoking in her 50's and she is soon turning 75 and she still has random thoughts of smoking a cigarette.  The addiction is real, I have only been smoking free a little over three months so its a struggle but it is worth it, I have told myself that I hope that at the end of my life I will die from natural causes rather than smoking related diseases or cancer caused by smoking.  I have noticed since I quit smoking I see many smokers on TV and my husband is a smoker, when he comes in the house he reeks, it does not smell good, sometimes I get a head ache from the smell.  I don't see anything attractive it reminds me of how badly I was addicted to that cancer stick for 20 years and the only regret is that I wish I would have quit before I started raising a family.  I rotated my cigarette breaks around family time and that is absurd!

Congrats on staying smoke free for Years!  That is a great accomplishment!


You won't have to struggle forever. It will get better. I noticed how bad the smell of stale smoke is on people when I quit too, I'm glad I don't have to smell like that anymore. I'd rather be an ex-smoker and get a smoking thought once in a while than a smoker who always wants to quit.


OMG! That is exactly what it tastes like - 

week old horse and cow manure  with a little doggie doo mixed in