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Give and get support around quitting


Hi All! I am Quiting Soon, so soon..yikes and yeaa!

Well, it is almost midnight and I  have taken the advice of preparing for battle, though not exactly as recommended. Big mistake? Maybe, maybe not. I set my quit date a few days after I joined because I just cannot stand to smoke for another two weeks. I have had a long love affair with my cigarettes and my morning cup of coffee is going to miss it's friend..haa but seriously I planned my day out yesterday so that I am on the go, go. I came across this site and am glad to be part of a community that cares about the well being of others. Having support is great and I know I am going to need it. Maybe starting a blog would help..hmmmm any thoughts? I welcome them and wish you all the best of luck!

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3 Replies

There are many ups-and-downs in the meantime , but a good thing is to take a look in Allen Carr's easy way to quit smoking (Sorry, don't have a link, but google it, his website has a free download) this really helped me out for being so surprising in minimum details. Check it out when you can. And welcome to the site. 

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Intro Letter to Newbies


Hi it is good to see you here  at becomeanex. We are here to help you in any way we can.  If your are having problems with anything get on and blog with the title of help.  I f you have any need or desire to put a picture in your avatar area, or put a clock on your page, or put a picture or animation on a blog an maybe there are some other things you would like to do on your page or your blogs.  If you would like to know how to do those things, go to my page and sc roll down almost to the bottom and there you will find a whole list of things that you can do.


If you are having physical urges, what is good for that is patches or pill some nicotine come down medicine.  If you are having mental urges, I have a couple of ways that I do to handle them.   If you are watching TV and you have an urge go somewhere else like go out to walk the dogs (if that applies), If you are washing dishes and you have an urge, go an clean the bedroom.  Well you get the idea on that way.


There is another way that I use also.  It is called the 10-10-10 method.  It goes


10 seconds from now will this urge have made me sick     Yes/No


10 Minutes from now will this urge have made me sick     Yes/No


10 Hours from now will this urge have made me sick         Yes/No


If you are smoking at any of those times you could get sick.


If you answer yes to any of those then get on this site and ask for help.  I guarantee you will get help from more than one person.  You will also get different kinds of help and you may not understand all of it that concerns your situation.  But in one or two blogs you may also say aaaaaaaaaah haaaaaaaaaaaa  that is what I was looking for.


Don't ever give up on your quit.  You can do this.  Don't be doing this quit for anyone besides yourself, because it is your health that is in danger.

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i wish you all the best, i am new here as well and i am trying to quit smoking for a while now, i like your "No place for failure" attitude and i think this is the first step of all steps. personally, i am taken it nice and slow, dealing with triggers one by one and learning more about how to make it sucess this time.

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