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Give and get support around quitting


Hey guys! I'm new!

Hey! I'm 24 years old and I've been smoking a pack a day for six years. I'm five days smoke free and this may sound silly but I'm feeling pretty proud. I'm feeling fuzzy and kind of out of it but the craving isn't too bad. Any advice would be wonderful thanks!
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2 Replies

Welcome, So glad to have you here. I think you should be very proud of yourself. For me the first week is the hardest. There are so many great people on this site and great info and tons of groups. You will not believe the support that is just waiting for you. Good Luck Katie Hope to hear from you soon
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Hello and welcome! Even though I am new myself.

I just joined today, am 24 as well, and have been smoking for 9 years. My quite date is tomorrow.

The thing that is helping me now, and has helped in the past when I quit, is Chantix. I would highly recommend it for many reasons. What are you using to help you cope?
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