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Give and get support around quitting



This time I am determined to quit, I think. Started the patch but when I get stressed or feel lonely I take it off and smoke. Went to the doc today and got a script for Chantix, which I've tried before, maybe this time I can do this. My husband of 32yrs passsed away from lung cancer 18 mos ago and I still smoke, how pathetic. Any advise would sure help-Linda
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34 Replies

aloha linda, you just have to accept that you will not be happy for at least a week or so and just go for it. put that patch on. that is like time released smoking, alomst. just go longer each don't smoke in a movie and that is 2.5 hours. you can do this not to worry. come by our group smoke freedom started by kosmik burd we can help. get educated go to that will help too.
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thanks for the support hothula, you're right but when I'm alone it is the most diffifcult time, any suggestions of what to do, especially in the evening.
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Hello Linda, I am Linda too.. I can be here to support you and ask you to please look at me and see a Lady with Emphysema and COPD. My husband died of the same disease years ago and I still smoked and thought that was him and I am me and I won't get it...

My thinking was so wrong.. For the last few years I have struggled to catch my air while doing the littles things like walking or shoping or even to hold my grandchildren... Last year I was in the hospital for 2 weeks and no one told me then that I was in the final stages of emphysema but I was. and still am..

In May last year I had some test done and was told then that I didnt have long to live.. My Husband of 8 years looked at me and held me as I cried and then told me I love you but I am not ready to stop smoking and do not want to stay here to see you die and he left me... On June 21st when he walked out the door I flushed my smokes down the toilet and started the smoke away plan...

It has been a year for me soon, I have come a very long way. I almost died last Nov from Congestive heart failure.. But I didn't and am still battling and here...
I can now walk and move around and each day it is so much easier for me to breath.. I can even walk a mile on the treadmill now and you sure would not have seen that a year ago... My kids are so proud of how far I have come and I am too.. Its not been an easy road but if I can do it so can you,.. I stay with my quit thru a bad divorce Judge. and thru a nervous break down last aug... If I can do it so can you... Please reach out for the support of people here and friends you have and family... If you have kids or grandkids then those are the reason to stop now before it is too late.

I will never get the use of my lungs back fully but with what i have left I am living life to the fullest and hope others will see this and do the same..

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It took me quitting every Monday for weeks before it finally stuck and it stuck because I found this web site. Believe it or not, this site will help you with the support you need to stop. Have you quit yet?? Set a quik date?
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Today is my quit date, I promise myself this time it's going to work. I can see how helpful this web site already is, there are so many smokers trying to quit, I know I'm not alone. Congratulations ion your 4 yrs, does the urge ever go away?
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YES it does Linda! The urge goes away for EVERYONE....

and the GOOD NEWS ------- I am not so special ...... I had a "Loser" cigarette mentality on 04/03/04 ...... but NEVER again after 04/04/04.... and I can help you do the same process.

SO people that give me crap about being all high and mighty ................ DO NOT UNDERSTAND ..... anyone can follow the same path I did and receive the same results !! Isn't that encouraging news?

Or would you rather hear it from someone with a 1/2 day quit before making excuses .....or from someone with a 1 week quit or a 1 month quit ?

I am here to give you and ANYBODY hope that it CAN BE DONE.

I surround myself with Winners. We look to build other Leaders. It is NOT about EGO .... Unless you want to give God my Almighty Father ALL the Credit !

Do not look at the Negative of the situation ......Look at ALL the POSITIVES ....thats the ATTITUDE of a WINNER.

WINNERS HAVE SUCCESSFUL QUITS ! but it is easier to be a "LOSER" ... all you have to do is make excuses and blame anyone else but yourself........

When the going gets tough ....... do you want a leader made up of excuses and looking for someone to blame ..... or do you want someone that will fight for you even if its tough and the Leadership gets just as Tough?

My Goal is to FILL the QUIT PARTY CENTRAL GROUP with Milestone Celebrations. I just want to give those that are weak the Encouragement to get over the fear of failing being Smoke Free.

Will you join me and Pledge Daily? Will you let me luv on ya in the Quit Party Central Group ? Will you let me tell you the truth so you can keep your Quit ?

When the going gets tough ....the tough get going .........are you with me ?

You can do it ....... but just in case you do not really believe ....will you say the following after me until I start seeing you regularly in the Quit Party Central area -----

Ray Steele ..... Believes You Can Do it !
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YES it does Linda! The urge goes away for EVERYONE....

and the GOOD NEWS ------- I am not so special ...... I had a "Loser" cigarette mentality on 04/03/04 ...... but NEVER again after 04/04/04.... and I can help you do the same process.

SO people that give me crap about being all high and mighty ................ DO NOT UNDERSTAND ..... anyone can follow the same path I did and receive the same results !! Isn't that encouraging news?

Or would you rather hear it from someone with a 1/2 day quit before making excuses .....or from someone with a 1 week quit or a 1 month quit ?

I am here to give you and ANYBODY hope that it CAN BE DONE.

I surround myself with Winners. We look to build other Leaders. It is NOT about EGO .... Unless you want to give God my Almighty Father ALL the Credit !

Do not look at the Negative of the situation ......Look at ALL the POSITIVES ....thats the ATTITUDE of a WINNER.

WINNERS HAVE SUCCESSFUL QUITS ! but it is easier to be a "LOSER" ... all you have to do is make excuses and blame anyone else but yourself........

When the going gets tough ....... do you want a leader made up of excuses and looking for someone to blame ..... or do you want someone that will fight for you even if its tough and the Leadership gets just as Tough?

My Goal is to FILL the QUIT PARTY CENTRAL GROUP with Milestone Celebrations. I just want to give those that are weak the Encouragement to get over the fear of failing being Smoke Free.

Will you join me and Pledge Daily? Will you let me luv on ya in the Quit Party Central Group ? Will you let me tell you the truth so you can keep your Quit ?

When the going gets tough ....the tough get going .........are you with me ?

You can do it ....... but just in case you do not really believe ....will you say the following after me until I start seeing you regularly in the Quit Party Central area -----

Ray Steele ..... Believes You Can Do it !
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Look Linda ..... Another Winner Peggy - CKOALACO !!

She stopped making Excuses over 39 Months ago. I have seen her in Daily Pledges and I have luv'd on her in the Quit Party Celebration areas.....for years !


She is more proof it can be done and the success formula is available to you today !

YOU CAN DO IT ....we can help !

Join Us won't you?

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today is the first day of not smoking, it's only been about 5 hours and I don't feel like I'm going to jump off a cliff. You guys are great, I think this time I can do this Thanks
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