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Give and get support around quitting



Good thing I'm at work my mind just keeps going to that place where I don't care if I'm a non smoker or not. So depressed today don't know if it's because I'm a month into my quit or life itself. Anyway decided to just yell out today on here so maybe by the time I get off work I won't go out and buy a pack.

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18 Replies

Thanks and I don't cough got a cold and got rid of it so quick with no complications I came on here before I drove home got that rah rah I needed to make it another moment


I used this place to vent anytime I needed to. I made a post one time on the way to purchase a pack of cigarettes and the responses back prevented the purchase. Use it to your benefit, the support here is incredible. When I would have those moods I would say to myself " I'm not smoking today, if I feel like it tomorrow, I can". I never did. Breathe in, think about all your are thankful for, your reasons for quitting, and this too shall pass.

Have a great day!!


Silvercindy, it could be so many things.  Just know that you have the choice.  Empower yourself with getting through this to build your confidence that it can be you.  Great job on a month.  Keep it moving forward.  It's okay to feel.



You just must have forgotten that you DON'T DO THAT ANY MORE!  You may be having a tough day, but we can assure you you don't want another day one.  All that work you put in down the drain?  NAW!!!!!

Don't Abandon Yourself Pansies.jpg


Your a star, you came here and I give you a lot of credit for that! Your ready and determined. So come on stick with it. The craves and crappy day IS going to pass. You really do not want to start over again, you will the hardest pn you if you do! Keep on pushing through it.  Deep breaths in and out!


Sorry you're having a tough day.  Congratulations on being smoke free!

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Hi Cindy, It is so cool that you used this site to express yourself.  You reached out for help which is awesome! When I first quit I was on this site all the time as it empowered me through the help of our friends on Ex to keep moving forward.  Take it one step at a time.  I also planned in advance by keeping cinnamon sticks, hard candy, gum in my car, at my desk at work and at home.  It helped.  Drink plenty of water with lemon to detox your body.  Breathe in that beautiful clean air.  The chemicals from those cancer sticks are out of your body.  Focus on keeping your body free of these dangerous, addicting, evil cigarettes that cause so much damage.  Replace that old habit with a new habit.  What do you enjoy?  Is it dancing, working out, Tai Chi, Yoga, walking, or creating beautiful things.  Go for it.  Fill your mind with the wonderful new activities to take the place of the old activity.  It is a common thing to get depressed after giving up a coping mechanism like smoking.  When I gave it up, it was losing my best friend.  I used cigarettes to cope with an endless amount of emotions.  In the end I realized it was a smoke screen.  It didn't help at all, in fact it made my life worse.  I thought it kept me from worrying, fear and anger.  What it did was put me in a perpetual state of worry.  Where is my cigarettes, where is my lighter, did that cherry fall into the back seat, oh my I'm down to 2 cigs, where's my butts.  I can run up and down stairs, take a long walk now without losing my breath.  I can come down with a cold and the coughing isn't as bad as it use to be where my chest hurt.  May I suggest getting a paper and pen and creating a "Grateful List".  Think about all the things you have that make you happy.  This always does the trick for me and than I see the light.  Congratulations on being 30 days FREE of smoking.  You are doing such a great job.  I'll be praying for you SilverCindy.  Love Jude

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Glad to hear you didn't give in. I'm feeling like you did for the last couple of days. I hate it. But through it I've actually thought little about going to buy a pack and light up. Mostly I'm just pissy that I can't. I just keep reminding myself of all the good things I've experienced the last 5 weeks, like being able to laugh without coughing my head off. 

 Joy fills my Heart that you stuck to your Quit!!!!!!!! Awesome!!!!!!

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