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Give and get support around quitting


Hello everyone

My name is Greg, and I am a 19 year old smoker who has been at it now for almost a whole year. I am really dissappointed in myself for starting in the first place. I will admit this, but last year in school I was up to a pack to even a pack and a half per day and it was taking a toll on me and my wallet. I told my parents about it and they told me that if I wanted to, I would have to realize the risks and get them myself. I am doing this for myself and especially for my parents to care so much about me, and I would really hate to let them down by seeing my health fade every day due to such a poor habit. I really need some help on this one.
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5 Replies

You're never too young or too old. It doesn't matter how long or how much you've smoked. The important thing is that you're here now, and there's lots of people willing to help you quit. Welcome!
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I am really looking to quit, actually today I had my last one for good, got rid of everything. I also go to college and made an appointment with the counselling center to see if they could help me with the process of quitting as well. I am telling myself now that I have the will to quit and the support to help me continue to stay smoke free for the rest of my life.
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Greg, welcome to freedom, trust me, now is the time to quit,
dont spend 32+yrs and over $100k like I did,
Not to mention your teeth won't be loose, hair wont be grey, wrinkles like someone 20 yrs older like me,
I am celebrating 2 yrs of freedom tomorrow, and this is the first time back on this site in months, Take a look at some of my older blog post to see how I got here, and some insite I learned...Best to Ya...RJ...Free at Last....
0 Kudos

Greg, welcome to freedom, trust me, now is the time to quit,
dont spend 32+yrs and over $100k like I did,
Not to mention your teeth won't be loose, hair wont be grey, wrinkles like someone 20 yrs older like me,
I am celebrating 2 yrs of freedom tomorrow, and this is the first time back on this site in months, Take a look at some of my older blog post to see how I got here, and some insite I learned...Best to Ya...RJ...Free at Last....
0 Kudos

Greg, welcome to freedom, trust me, now is the time to quit,
dont spend 32+yrs and over $100k like I did,
Not to mention your teeth won't be loose, hair wont be grey, wrinkles like someone 20 yrs older like me,
I am celebrating 2 yrs of freedom tomorrow, and this is the first time back on this site in months, Take a look at some of my older blog post to see how I got here, and some insite I learned...Best to Ya...RJ...Free at Last....
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