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Give and get support around quitting


Hello. On day 13...again. Tired of quitting and going back to smoking

Don’t know about anyone else here, but I’m tired of quitting and going back to smoking. I’m 13 days clean this time around.


I’ve quit smoking for at least a few weeks about 10 times or so. It gets really frustrating.


In the meantime, I’m planning on success this time. I’ve started running, cycling and martial arts again.    



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11 Replies

Hi, this is my first time here, but not first time trying to quit smoking by any means! Because your title here says it all for me. I thought I would jump in. I started smoking again 3 yrs ago after having quit for 10 years. Crazy. I know. So I have chosen a quit day for July 16, a week from today, to give me a chance to prepare and for the Zyban to build up. I don't know if you are familiar with Zyban, but of all the smoking cessation aids I have tried, I found it the most useful. Anyway, good luck!

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Yep, I've quit so many times before, this time, I'm not beating myself up when I smoke one cig. Dust myself off and start again, saying I get a fresh start .....knowing I Can Do This.."give it up for good...stopped June 6th and  since then smoked 6, and that's okay knowing I feel so much better health wise!

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