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Have to Quit

I had open heart surgery on December 1st. I have smoked none stop for 43 years. I do not want to go through surgery like that again, so I have decided to give myself a better chance at not having it by not smoking again. My quit date was January 11th. I want to be free of this addiction.

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4 Replies

I am having a problem, actually I have been having this problem for years. The main part is everyone else notices my breathing before I do. When I notice it, that is when I am having to stop or even fall down to the ground to catch my breath enough to get back to a walk.

This was years ago just after my lil brother's death. This is my last chance to try and quit smoking. I cannot even get a plate of food for dinner and a drink before I am totally out of breath and have to wait to even say the blessing for the meal. Then a wait to get to eat. I even get out of breath eating. Over the past twenty plus years of different treatment options to quit. No success.

I cannot give up this time or I might as well go on and stop doing it permanently.

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I smoked for 22 that's not as long as 43 years, but I still understand the addiction. One day at a time............that's what you have to do. Good luck to you and remember that it can be done. I loved smoking and I never thought I would enjoy life without cigarettes, but I do. I'm not saying that I don't miss them because sometimes I still do, but I will continue to take one day at a time and consider each smoke free day a success!


Quit Date: January 5, year and counting

Quit Method: Cold Turkey

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You know time keeps passing. It sucks. As a kid i begged my mom to quit. As an adult my kids and loved one begs me. I need to let this bad habit go. It has the only control on me. At the end of the day... without one, i gain weight, or become a monster. This is very important to me and I hope that i can let go once and for all. I hate to admit that I am an addict to nicotine. 😞  

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first time "becomeanx"er

tried to quit before, but i got a good feeling about this one. boyfriend doesn't like it so im up for trying anything. ha. a website. not gonna lie, im skeptical. but well see. i put my quit date on my calendar so here goes nothin'. they say its official if its written down...

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