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Give and get support around quitting


Have I arrived a little early?

Day 26.  Starting late last night I started feeling some kind of way.  A craving?  I don't really know.  I don't want to smoke but its that feeling of being somewhere for to long with out being able to light up. That fidgety, let me outside fast type feeling.  It's bad and it's not letting up.  Does that make sense?  Is this the NML I hear of?  Am I early?  What is going on?  Oh boy!  I'm in trouble here.

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13 Replies

bonnie.s‌ Good morning! Just checking up on you. How are you feeling today?

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I had to go to sleep last night.  So far today I'm doing well.  Not giving in no matter what this time.  I've lost to many times before thinking one wont hurt, it will!  Thanks for all the support.  It means so much

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I always say "One never comes alone, it always brings with the close family, then the extended family, the neighbors, the village, they county..." and you got it, there is never just "one", it always ends up in "full blown"!

Good thinking, keep it up, you can do it!

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bonnie.s‌  Great idea!  I slept a TON in the beginning of my quit.  You are doing AWESOME!

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