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Give and get support around quitting


Have I arrived a little early?

Day 26.  Starting late last night I started feeling some kind of way.  A craving?  I don't really know.  I don't want to smoke but its that feeling of being somewhere for to long with out being able to light up. That fidgety, let me outside fast type feeling.  It's bad and it's not letting up.  Does that make sense?  Is this the NML I hear of?  Am I early?  What is going on?  Oh boy!  I'm in trouble here.

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13 Replies

There are some out of your body moments that come with quitting smoking.  However you have to take control.  Breathing exercises always worked for me.  You will have to change your focus, do something different and fun.  Try to not focus on the crave.  Change your thoughts. .  Read some of the conversations that are going on.  You have to make sure that you are getting your rest, eating properly, controlling your anger and not feeling lonely.  HALT. Hungry, anger loneliness and tired can be a trigger. Relax in the crave.  Imagine yourself on a big wave and ride it.  You can do this.  26 days is Awesome.  Stay close. Be mindful of what is going on.  No matter what is going on do not smoke. .  
Don't give up

Hey bonnie. 26 days is awesome! You are doing great! Just know that this craving will pass. Deep breaths, drink some ice cold water, brush your teeth. Do not give in!! Just ride the craving. Recognize you are having a craving and let it go, shrug your shoulders and carry on. 


It's only a crave and you are the only one who can give it power.  DON'T!

Slow, deep breaths, going slower and deeper-or take a bath or a shower, or a few jumping jacks.  Sip some ice cold water, or let ice cubes melt in your mouth....

Get through it any way you can.  It WILL end and you will take your power back!

Just don't smoke!



We all experienced intense craves in the beginning of our quits, bite into a lemon, rind and all, MOVE around, clean a closet or a drawer, drink some water, go to SLEEP.

Remember that a cigarette will not fix anything and also remember that the crave will go away whether you smoke or crave ever killed anyone, no one can say the same about cigarettes.  NML usually starts around 30 days into a quit but none of the numbers are set in stone.  What IS set in stone is NOT ONE PUFF EVER!  One minute at a time if one day is too long, you CAN do this.  Turn on some music and DANCE!  Watch something funny.  There are no shortcuts in this recovery, the only way out is through.

Hang in there, you can do this and you will have another day WON behind you.  Every day WON is another day that you become stronger, no one wants to repeat a day ONE.



I felt like that on day One and it lasted for weeks use your tools and hang in can do it !


Do you meditate, maybe you can use this or another one you can find on the same page:


Bonnie, when you're in the clutches of fight or flight, remember this: it will pass. Take a deep breath and make a change. Leave the room.  Go for a walk.  Drink water. Look at funny cat videos on YouTube. Sit still and meditate, as Daniela suggested.  Anything but smoke. 

The most important thing to remember is that it will pass.

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I hope the "oh boy, I'm in trouble here" was a fleeting moment. You're not in trouble.... You got this, You are a proud member of the DDC. That's a big deal. Just hold fast and Ride The Wave to the beach, Don't crash into the rocks today, ok? You will feel wonderful later.


Good morning, I am hoping today is a good day without any powerful urges but you can and will get through them one precious day at a time or one hour or even one minute or one second at a time but as long as you keep moving forward and stacking up your precious smoke free days you can and will be successful in living a life of Freedom, N.O.P.E  - Not One Puff Ever will give you a beautiful life Free from the clutches of the dreaded nicotine poison! 

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