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Give and get support around quitting



Guys, I need some bolstering. It's been almost four days, and I wasn't expecting this, but today has been the hardest. I also happen to be mad as hell about something, so that's not helping.
My health and money were the main reasons I chose to quit, but right now they don't seem worth it to me.
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12 Replies

Hi there, today is also my 4th day. I have smoked 1 cigarette per day for the past 3 days but today is my quit day. It has been very hard not smoking after meals or coffee or even when I get very stressed out. But hang in there. I'm also having a very hard day because as of today I will not smoke at all. I have very strong cravings and I won't lie to you, I'M DYING FOR A CIGARETTE but I promissed myself that I will not smoke. Hang in there, my dad quit after 27 years and he has told me the 1st week is the hardest, it will get easier, I promise. We need to quit for our health and for those who love us.
Hollywood, FL
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I'm on day 3 of my quit. Its tough, my withdrawal today is rough. Mornings are worst for me, I go through a lot of anxiety along with the cravings. But I do get through without giving in. I'm counting on the days getting easier as time goes by.

We're in it together and we'll make through
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Kris - I try taking it an hour at a time and the best thing that is getting me through it is determination. I have just told myself "I'm done, that's it, no more." "I will not be a slave to something that is going to kill me. I may shed a few tears along this path to quitting but I figure these tears can never compare to the tears that I would shed if I went to the doctor and he told me I had lung cancer. I'll gladly shed the tears now. Hang in there. You've made it through 3 days almost 4 and some have said the 3rd day is the hardest. You have alot of friends on this web site and they are wonderful people who are willing to help. Stay Strong.
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