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Give and get support around quitting


Gearing up

Hello everyone! 

if you’ve seen my posts, you know i’ve quit vaping a little over a week ago. i feel amazing, but still not completely off nicotine. i currently take 3 mg zyn pouches, and the week i quit i used the 6mg ones to help me get through the worst of withdrawals without having to call into work because of how unwell i felt. compared to the 50 my vape gave me, it’s a lot better, but i still want to get off the pouches. i also hate the way they make my stomach and my mouth feel, so it’ll be a lot easier to give them up than vaping was for me. however, i wanted to set an official quit date for getting off the pouches, and i am choosing december 26th. i have greatly decreased the amount i use them, and im down to about 2 a day, but i know im gonna need one for christmas since i’m going to my in-laws house and they still smoke (indoors, and i don’t have the option of not going since they came to our place for thanksgiving and we only get to see them twice a year.) i wanted to give a bit of an update on my progress, and hopefully hold myself accountable to completely cutting nicotine off on the 26th. i want to set realistic and achievable goals while still challenging myself to become a better version of me. i’ve had a few quotes from this site resonate with me extremely intensely, and one that i keep coming back to said that “after quitting, that first hit will only make you sick and dizzy. you won’t be chasing the buzz until the second or third, and then the cycle begins all over again.” it’s really helped me with my “just one wont hurt” mentality, and that the one hit won’t be satisfying, it’ll just restart a cycle of feeling sick all the time. anyway, all this was just to say that progress isn’t linear, and i have to remind myself every day of how far i’ve come and how much more i can do for myself. i’m so grateful i found this website, this community has been an inspiration and a wonderful help on my journey. i can’t wait to continue to a healthy life. 

2 Replies

@kjhh I'm happy to see you have a plan to stop the pouches.  It's  real easy to get addicted to another source of nicotine.  

I think we all gave you some suggestions about being around smokers for the holidays so you have to decide what works best for you.   You're going to encounter smokers throughout your life, so you have a choice whether to smoke or not.

Wishing you the best on your journey.  It's not easy and it takes work.




Congratulations on all your progress with your quit. One step at a time you are doing this.


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