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Freedom Fighter

Hi.  So glad to be here and trying something different.  Just joined the Community yesterday and set a quit date of September 15th.  Just found this group today.  I've been fighting my own freedom from cigarettes for a very long time.  It's crazy the hundreds of ways and the number of times I have sabotaged my own freedom.  I have only been here for a couple of days, but I am finding that the underlying concept that the free seem to share is commitment - and that is very reassuring to me.  It's the one thing I really haven't ever tried yet where it comes to cigarettes.  I am building myself a stong base of commitment to this course of action and layering it with the tools that I am going to use when the commitment wears thin.  Wish me luck.  Thanks for being here to share the journey.

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12 Replies

So excited to see you here. This is the first step toward regaining your freedom!!! One thing that I found to help me was 1) READ, READ, and READ some more. 2) ask yourself "WHY" WHY DID YOU START SMOKING? Answer this question truthfully to yourself. Then ask yourself "WHY.....WHY DID YOU MAKE THE DECISSION TO QUIT?" 3) Ask yourself if this is habit and/or an addition? Please NEVER hate your quit....enjoy the quit!!! Even love the cravings. It will help you to pass them over like they were nothing.

These questions to yourself help to prepare your brain for the mental part of the quit. Protect your quit like an infant and DON'T allow NOTHING to take it from you. REMEMBER ALWAYS.....that YOU and ONLY you are in the drivers seat. 

Always know that you ARE worth every second of freedom 🙂


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Great advice above! You're two weeks away from freedom!!!

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I couldn't wait any longer!  My patches came in the mail yesterday, and I woke up today feeling like today should be the day to go for it.  So I am!  I feel fantastic.

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