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Give and get support around quitting

Find a Quit Buddy

I am looking for a quit buddy that will have a few minutes to chat, probably in the evenings, about our journeys to becoming EXs. I am looking for another college student, and would prefer to talk to someone else who is athletic. The struggle between being an athlete and a smoker is quite the battle! Feel free to message me!! Good luck!!
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432 Replies

I would love a quit buddy. I quit on Feb 1. Please let me know if you are interested in being my buddy.
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Hi! I'm looking for a quit buddy. I quit at 10:00 a.m. Friday the 13th, and I've made it this far...wooo hooo!!! If anybody is interested, please let me know!
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I'm Michelle..looking for a quit buddy. I've set a quit date for March 19th, but thinking of making it sooner?
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My QUiT DATE was

  Did anyone else quit this day?
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Relapses happen... you just have to pick yourself up and get back on the horse is all. Don't beat yourself up over it. It's not worth it. So you slipped. So what? Life will still go on, and you WILL quit for good. You CAN and WILL do this. Good luck!!!!
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My quit date was March 20. So far - So good. Anyone else?
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My quit date is April 6th. Does anyone else have the same quit date. Would like to find someone willing to listen to me moan (the cravings) and celebrate ( resisting the cravings) and I will return the favor
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Hey Pat and everyone else. Congrats on setting the DATE. That's the start. Anyone on this site will listen, offer suggestions and help in anyway we can. I don't think any of us have forgotten what that 1st week is like. Jion lots of these groups, 'Candid Quitters' & 'Yes You Can' are 2 that I like. All are good, just pick out some. Best of Luck and hang in there and hang around this site.
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looking for a quit buddy or buddies i quit after 45 years of smoking on feb 13th at 830 pm i live in a very peaceful place that helps but sharing this struggle will help more anyone out there
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I am now on day 45 of my quit, but like the idea of having a quit buddy for those days when one too many blow smoke in my face or the world is trying to throw a curve ball and I do not want to ever lose my quit. I want someone who is very serious with their quit, as I am. Sometimes, after smoking way too many cigarettes that nearly took my life and probably still will COPD, and all the other things that have gone bad in the health area, I want to cry and beg people to please listen, but realize that doesn't work, cause it didn't for me. Quitting is a personal decision that we all come to for many reasons and different levels of resolve.
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