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Electronic Cigarettes

Has any one used them?  Any complications using them and patches together?  Or gum? 

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2 Replies

I started using one on Sat 3/6 and I haven't smoked a regular cigarette since. I was a very heavy cig smoker. I love my e-cig, I don't think I will ever go back to traditional cigarettes. Vaping is for me.


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I have tried them, too. They are have to get the right nicotine dosage though. I started with Medium and was too strong for me, so had to go to light. There are tons of different flavors which is interesting. It's not the same as a normal cig as far as the fast feeling of relief you get from a normal cig, but it definatly helps with cravings. The only things I don't like about them is my husband's batteries went dead pretty fast...after a couple months and he charged them all the time like he was supposed to. Another reason I don't like them is they are so much like smoking the real thing, as far as looking like a cig, inhaling, exhaling, that for me personally, it made me start smoking real ones again. The only thing you can do is try them and see how they work for you...they are expensive though. A starter pack ran us about 80 bucks each.

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