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Give and get support around quitting


Did you find the first week harder than any other time?

I guess every smoker that quits is scared of the terrible time he will have, when he quits.

I've only quit two days ago, but I'm still waiting for anything "bad" to happen. Like: freaking out, yelling at people, crying, or anything else that would demonstrate any form of withdrawl symptom.

The worst I had so far was a thought of "a cigarette would be nice now" along with a funny feeling in my tummy that quickly came and just as quickly dissapeard. Is that it?

I've prepared myself for a war with my inner demons and so far those demons have been whispers - if that.

26 Replies

For me - the first week was when I felt the most "unlike" myself.  But it got better with time.  Sounds like you are doing great!


Congratulations on your decision to quit. One day at a time has worked for me in the past and when I quit in a few days, it will be my mantra as well as NOPE- not one puff ever! Self talk is really effective. Dale's idea of laughing out loud and hearing yourself celebrate your quit is excellent. Onward you go. We can do this together!


The first three days were a piece of cake for me.  Day 4 almost did me in.  I found no particular pattern.  Some days were good, some days weren't.  You can be sailing happily along and suddenly - WHAM - the wind will shift and the sail will (oh what's that term? I can't remember now) flip to the other side of the boat and almost take your head with it.  If you've prepared well and keep your wits about you you'll weather any storms.  Just stay the course.


Be happy you quit, and that will help you with many challenges!  When the crave hit, I use to tell myself "Oh, here is the proof I quit smoking", took several deep breaths and waited for it to pass!

You are off to a great start, keep it going!


I find this saying so true. I thought i wasn't able to quit because i would never be able to get past the first 24 hours. After preparing myself to quit, i realized that i could do it. I had more confidence and i expected the craves to come and they didn't. They did come at times later on but, as long as you know how to get past them (by educating yourself), you can conquer them.


You are doing great! Stay strong and keep moving forward!  ~Terrie~


You are doing great, keep up the good work.  I think the hardest part for me the first week and maybe even the second was that all I thought about was smoking.  Once that started to lift, I felt more confident.  I don't know if the cigarettes you smoked or the amount of nicotine that was in them are what is helping you.  I smoked less than half a pack and I never smoked more than half a cigarette the last year or so that I smoked.