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December Quitters

Hi! My quit date is Dec 1st. So any advice is welcome
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Hi everybody.

i am tarbori from haerbin china. my quit date has passed at 16 december. this is my first attempt to quit smoking. the progress so far, i think its satisfactory but really not what i want to achieve. before my decision to quit, i used to smoke atleast 30 cigaretes per day. now the amount is decresaed to approx. 10 but why 10? smoking 10 is not my goal. i get tensed for this. i have worked with my triggers but almost everyday i slip down after 2,3 hours.  i am a phd student and spend most of my time, sitting in front of my laptop. at the top of my LT, i have mentioned the reasons of my decision to quit. i go through them too often, but all of a sudden, something happens to me without any decision, i open my door, got to a friend and smoke 2,3 at a time.

i am really worried as i get chest infection every now and then and have to take medicines almost everyday because of my smoking.

today, i have decided that i will not smoke even one. i hope i honor my promise.

BEST wishes to all of you friends

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I quit smoking yesterday (kinda) - a few slip ups here and there. I signed up for a study to help me quit. They sent me some of the Nicorette gum. So far it's been an up and down hill sort of thing. The gum is ok, but it does make my throat swell just a little, but has gone down consecutively with the more pieces I chew.

I'm really looking for advice: situation as goes. This is my third time trying to quit. I picked up smoking from my fiance. I've been smoking for three years. The problem is: I'm not close to my family (geographically), who are non-smokers, and I live with my fiance and near her relatives, who all smoke. I've tried to get my fiance to quit thousands of times, but she refuses. She won't stop smoking in front of me and her family doesn't care either. I'm looking for a way to keep myself distracted (or increase my willpower) while I am around these people. Any suggestions would be appreciated! Also, I do not want to always leave the room (I've tried this in the past and my fiance and her family thought I was just being "disrespectful" - for lack of a better word). Thanks

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My quit date was December 16th.  I'm four days in and I know I can do this.  I'm done smoking.  What has me worried is how to keep the rest of my life working without this stress-crutch I've been using.  Looks like I'll have to remember how to stand on my own two feet.  It goes well, really, but it is what is on my mind.

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Today is my quit date and so far I have not smoked. I still have the urge but I am doing anything and everything not to give in.Today I am taking Moodys quit vow- Through the pressures of the present and the uncertainties of the future, I promise to be faithful to my Quit. I promise to love, honor and protect my Quit for as long as I am alive. It is strange but just writting out the vow really makes it mean something. Since I take vows serously, this means a great deal to me. I hope everyone else is doing o.k. Happy Holidays.

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Hi my name is Janie. My quit date is Dec. 31 please any advice words of wisdom anything will help. I'm sick of smoking I am sick of the cost and sick of the smell. My home stinks, my clothes stink, my car stinks. I have 2 pugs I'm probably killing them along with myself. I really need all the help I can get. Merry Christmas everybody!!

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12-7-2013 was my quit date still going strong through my first holidays

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Hi!  My name is Jim. My quit date is today. I've been gearing up for 2 months now.  I am surprised that I am 5 hours into my first day of non smoking and feeling great!  They say you won't fully quit till you are ready and I can tell I am done.  I am using a e cigarette for added support but only for a few days to get over the initial withdrawls.  This is the first time I've quit where every time I think about having a cigarette I think about how bad it tastes or feels in my lungs.  The craving goes away and I am good.  I'm not saying I won't have challenges but for the first time ever I actually feel like I am going to win and not cave.  I would suggest to anyone out there trying to quit to adhere to these simple suggestions.  

*First and foremost be 100% sure you are ready to quit permanently.(if you are not sure don't even try) 

*Pick your quit date and don't tell everyone but maybe a friend or 2 who will keep your secret.(I've learned from previous attempts at quitting that telling everyone before you quit is usually setting you up for a fall.)

*Lastly, enjoy the positive changes to your body even only after the first few hours of quitting.

I'm glad there are forums and places out there like this one where you can express your experience and story with others in hopes it will help in some way.  Thanks for being here!

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Hi, it's my first day quitting. My husband and I are trying together... However I may need to go it alone, which I'm prepared for should he slip up. the hardest connection to break is with drinking... 3 drinks and rationalizing begins. So... I plan to have no more than 2 in any sitting. I'm not a morning or afternoon smoker.... Was able to quit through 2 pregnancies.... But drinking makes it very difficult. Im asthmatic and got very sick lately.... doctor said: "its not a question on whether you will get emphysema or not... the only question is ...when." with a 3 and a 5 yr old... i realized i gotta stop doing what i feel like doing. Anyways... Happy to be a part of this group

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My name is Sierra, and my quit date is tomorrow, I have quit many times in the past (smoked for about 20 years), but am ready to do a complete life change and be done with the stink and the expense. Have started changes like workin out, meditation and eating healthy. Am glad to have found this site for support!

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Hi All, my quit date is December 23rd.  For my one year anniversary I took my 13 year old son to see his first college bowl game - USC vs. Fresno St., in the Las Vegas Bowl. Had a great time!  So thankful to be free of the madness of smoking.  Also happy that I can set a good example for my son.  Congrats to all who decided to quit this month and to all who are celebrating anniversaries!

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