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Give and get support around quitting


Day 1..and Counting

Hi Yall! I am a TexasEx in Houston. I quit today! For the LAST time!! My 8 year old son asked me last week if I was going to die, because I smoked. That was enough for me. I joined a gym, I told him I wasnt going to smoke anymore, and now I have to learn to live without my little friends. Good luck to all you quitters!!

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2 Replies

Hey Tom
Congratulations on DAY 1 .
I am in Houston as well - making it through DAY 3 .
Isn't it amazing the impact a child can make as well as the wisdom that can come from those young minds ?!?!?!
Hang in there-
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Hey Tom, I'm with you brother. I quit for my family too...... but you have to quit for yourself as well, or you prob won't make it. That little voice in your head can be very powerful and convincing...... Stay strong in your conviction. I'm 2 months smoke free ( this time, and for the LAST time...... fingers crossed ) and it's a struggle every day. HANG TOUGH!
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