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Damn Doctors

I've been taking some Chantix and have not smoked for 19 days.   But my meds are running out.   Turns out my doctor gave me a one month supply instead of three like I asked for.   You would think that the doctor would be more helpful in my efforts to improve my health by quitting.   I put my bulldog  (the wife)  on the job today of calling my doctor and demanding more meds.   But I've been researching herbal aids toward the battle.   St Johns Wort is supposed to help, as is lobelia.   However lobelia is not available.    Are there any other herbal meds that will help my fight this demon?   Candy and carrots and straws are fine placebos, but I think I need more.  I am committed this time to NOPE NOPE NOPE!!!

15 Replies

I'm hoping that is correct  about receiving a month supply of Chantix intentionally.    It's not uncommon when prescribing a new medication that doctors don't order a 3 month supply.  It makes sense. On occasion I've had a doctor order the 3 months of  a new medication which didn't work for me.  Now I have bottles of unused medicine. I would stick with it if working for.



Like any other over the counter herbal supplements the CBD oils can vary greatly in the ingredients and potency.    I won't  purchase CBD from anyone except one certain company. Just like any 'medicine' it may or may not work for an individual or it's effects may be limited.  I just know it helps me.

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We can be quit partners if you want to 

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Wanted you to notice that this person's last post was Fall of 2019, so they may or may not see your message.  Hoping maybe this can encourage them to come back, though!


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Not applicable

I'm wondering maybe the doctor just gave you the starter pack .. if you've tolerated it well  talk to them and let them know you've done the one month with no side affects and now they will likely give you three months . Some people do have side effects so I think your doctor was very good taking care of you . 

You could call the doctors office yourself l am sure . They may want to hear from you how you are doing . Ask then for a three month supply . My guess to is many people may be attempting to quit so they may only give a month at a time so their are no shortages for others trying to do the same . Jmo 

Not applicable

I noticed this is an old post too after the fact . It's confusing , made the mistakes before lol but .. a response is still ok cause people may search say Chantix and come across this post . There is a lot of helpful info by all that responded . I hope this person has gone on and quit smoking and found the support and aide they needed .