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Craving Buster or Stress Inducer?

Do you find that looking at articles, pictures, and videos of smoking horror stories helps you stay committed to quitting or does it have the opposite affect? Watching those terrible Quit Smoking commercials use to make me cringe and just light up when I was a smoker. Now that I quit smoking, I find that looking at pictures of the damage smoking does to a body when I am having a craving really helps it go away. Wondering if this is a usual method to combat cravings.

4 Replies

Those commercials used to annoy me (not that I didn't feel bad for the people with the serious illnesses).

The pictures of damage done just make me sad, I feel it is my fate to end up with a horrible smoking related disease.

But....I don't stress over it.....don't have time or energy to worry about it...can't change anything.


Whatever works for you!  Just as each of us here are different, no two quits are alike.  I liked reading about what people did to be successful, their strategies and how they handled certain portions of the journey  You find the smoking related problem pictures keep you motivated....

Do whatever works for YOU!



I'm not a fan of the fear strategy.  For me they were stress inducers.  And they used to irritate me when I was smoking. They didnt stop me.  I also think mental pictures like that in the mind can add a psychological propensity to having that disease or health issue.  The mind is a powerful force.  I'm with YoungAtHeart.  I'd prefer success stories and reading how people quit.

Happy New Year.


I was very much like you... now they just make me thankful and feel blessed!
