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Give and get support around quitting


Community Help

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all of my new friends here at Ex! I hope that everyone who wants to be smoke free in 2009 will succeed.

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183 Replies

LOL.  Look at their page and you will get a sign.  You can do it!!!

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this is really great. there are so many places for new ones to get lost here. So many groups and forums. I wouldnt have even thought to look in the lookin for a quit buddy section. Yes, with all of us  helping out we can get a lot more people to the place where the real LIVE help is. 

Thanks again Sheri♥ 

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Ok I posted our Welcome into the Introduce yourself forum.  Tell me what you think.  I think we need to post something in the blogs too maybe every other day or something. What do you think?  You all can copy and paste it too.  Use it as you see fit.  And please tell me if we should change something.  

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i thought i would get the support i needed from my family except now my teenage daughter thinks i should quit like everyone else. she's back talking me and calling me weak for not being able to quit cold turkey.

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Hello everyone, my name is Gi.  I smoked from the age of 14 to 23.  I quit smoking at 23 right before I got married to a non-smoker.  It was a struggle, but I got through it. (although i slipped up now and again around smoking friends while having a drink but never really went back)  Well after 13 years of marriage and 2 children, we got divorced.  I then met a great man, who unfortunately is a heavy smoker.  It didn't really bother me at first, but slowly, I let my guard down and picked up the ugly habit again.  In times of stress, I smoked heavily too.  I am very disappointed in myself, especially that i watched my father in law die from lung cancer, which should have turned me off from smoking for good, but I guess the addiction was lying dormant within my brain.  My kids hate it and are disappointed as well.  Me and my boyfriend were living together for 2 1/2 years but because of circumstances with my kids, we moved to separate places but are still dating.  Just being around him is a trigger, as well as talking on the phone, coffee breaks at work, out for a drink, and stressful times.  I have tried to quit a few times in the last year, but to no avail.  I get weak and reason with myself why its ok.  Its not ok!!  I really want to quit but my boyfriend has no intention of quitting at this time.  So my problem is how to be in a relationship with someone who smokes without getting crazy.  I'm scared that I wont be able to tolerate it once I quit.  Anyone have this problem? I love this man but I'm not going to love the smoking...  I really wish he would quit with me to support each other.  He supports my decision, but isn't ready and doesn't want the pressure.  I'm nervous about the quit, I know its for the better in so many ways.  I'm hoping I can deal with his smoking.   I want to make myself and my children proud, and be healthy!

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Hi, I am 41 years old, I have smoked sence I was 7 years old. Buying my own smokes at the age of 10 years old, back then you just need a note from your parents to buy smokes. I have tryed to quit smoking about 100 times in the last ten years. It is to the point that I have health prombles including asma. I pray this will help me i have never made it past day 4 I start shaking and coughing to bad. I  hope to rfind poeple who I can talk to every day to help me. Is there any clases to go any where. I found it easyer to quit drinking then smoking. I quit drinking cold turckey.

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Well, I have not stuck to a diet through the holiday. Nor have I been doing any exercise. I have been so busy with making Christmas gifts and traveling around I have not had time to think about me. All gifts this season were handmade except one. Just so you know there were about 15 children and adults I made gifts for. At this point and time I am so glad that the holiday is over even though I had such a blast. We had to go and hour and half down south one day and the next day two and half hours up north. Also our own Christmas here at home. Boy am I tired!! Believe it or not I still have two gifts to finish making and get delivered. Next year I am going to start in January. If I see something I know someone will like you can bet I am going to get it. And/or start making some gifts right now.

This will probably help me quit smoking. I started a program to quit about a week ago. It is pretty easy to follow. You set a quit date, start looking at and thinking about why you smoke, then start trying to break those habits. Like coffee and cigarettes, smoke after your coffee. Little things like that to break the habits. Then track when, where and why you smoke and understand the reasons and think about other things you can do besides smoke. Like maybe chew on cinnamon sticks or use a worry stone or beads. This is all leading up to being able to put down the cigarettes. You also have a quit coach and website to use and post to forums and talk to others who are in the same program. I think this program is going to work for me.

Now I need to start thinking about my diet and exercise program again. Maybe the exercise will help me keep from gaining weight while quitting smoking. I know I will get into better shape quitting smoking, gee, I might not huff and puff and be able to breath again. I am looking forward to turning over a new leaf and becoming a new me. I want to look good for my grand neices wedding.

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I have smoke free for about 6 hours 🙂 I am counting the hours, I need something to count, tomorrow I will move to days 🙂 So far I am over dosing on water and lollipops.  What are some other items people use to get over the pyschological part of the addiction. I return to work tomorrow and I am pretty sure the car ride into work will be hard!  Thanks for listening



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I want to quit for my health I am suffering from pneumonia right now   My  two grand children who live with me have asthma. I am wearing the patch and doing prety good. but I am slipping up. I tried to quit all at once. I hope it works I am smoking usually 2 cig. a dday

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