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Cigarettes Are Causing HUGE anxiety

Cigarettes are causing me enormous anxiety. For decades I enjoyed them. They relaxed me. Suddenly about two months ago they started to cause me enormous anxiety. I have no idea why. I even cut from a pack a day to a 1/4 pack a day. The anxiety has only increased. I find myself going out for a few hits even knowing how badly it will make me feel. it is like self harm and I don't know how to stop.

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3 Replies

Your body is screaming at you.  Your addiction won't let you stop.  I know someone who had to quit drinking alcohol because they started getting anxiety from it.  They stopped drinking because it wasn't worth the pain.  There is alot of information out there about anxiety and nicotine.  Some info on this site, Allen Carr's book Easyway, for starters.  Get educated about it.

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@pattidukes7234 Welcome to EX.   Smoking can actually increase anxiety.  If you google the topic you'll see there is a lot of information on how smoking causes anxiety and tension.  We believe that smoking calms us down and it probably does give a temporarily sense of relaxation.   But it's short lived, so we need more to keep feeding our addiction.

I see you have a quit date so start preparing for your quit now.  

In addition to a quit date, some aids, and smoking cessation class, I was lucky to find the Ex a week prior to my quit.  I leaned about nicotine addiction and that I need to a plan to cope with cravings, triggers, etc.   I skipped these steps in the past and was never successful.  And having the support of fellow quitters saved my quit several times early on.

With knowledge and support, you can do this too.   We're here to share you're journey.  We've been there, so we know what it takes to be successful.   Work and commitment will get you where you want to be - an ex-smoker .  Use this time to prepare for you quit on the 6th if not sooner.  

This link is a great place to start:

Also, consider taking the Daily Pledge to stay on track one day at a time.  I look forward to celebrating with you not only on the 6th, but your many milestones on this journey.

Stay busy and stay close.




@pattidukes7234 Hope you're still preparing for your quit.

Happy Holidays


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