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Breathing problems...

Its my 2nd day into my quit. I've been having trouble breathing- now with a sort of heaviness in my chest as well as my lungs. What's worse, I live with three heavy smokers. (That hadn't mattered when I moved in but it sure does now.) How soon have any of my fellow ex's noticed the heavy chest or breathing trouble starts up? I'm wondering abt living with all the 2nd hand smoke and now how as an ex that is going to compound my system...make me, my health, even more comprimised during all this and once again a non smoker. Too, I think for the 1st time since last week I am starting having the withdrawals; now, worse I am detoxing in a place full of cig smoke. Its amazing how I didn't care abt my breathing when all the times I chose to smoke but I sure do now! The addiction and nico demon is so terrible that my lungs are still screaming Give me a cigarette! I'm really fighting it today.
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4 Replies

WTG You can do this I am on day 29 and it is really very easy now it gets tons better each passing day....I am 46 been smoking for 33 years and found out recently that i had COPD or mild Emphysema I work out 3 to 4 times a week for 1.5 to 2 hours per day with no meds are anything....The doctor told me I would be fine IF I never smoked again ALSO stayed away from second hand smoke so yes you do need to get away from that....the first 72 hours your body gets rid of the nicotene after that it is all in your mind so tell yourself hell I am bigger then that cancer stick and I would rather live then smoke...GOOD LUCK you can do this...Karen
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I felt significant relief within a few days (I have emphysema). But I think it's a great idea to get it checked out. You may have a virus or bacterial infection on top of the crappy withdrawl symptoms. If you could relieve some of that, it could really help! Keep us posted!
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Its much better- gone, than it was today, the breathing and chest affects. I think what's happening is my lungs are just getting used to going w/o and reacting to not smoking.

To you all who replied to me and have Emphys., what are the symptoms?

As far as my aside health it was (has been) already on the decline since about...a long time ago. Its been fragile all my life to begin with. I had breathing problems even before I went back to smoking. I've been very careless with myself the past two years and somehow forgot that.
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I'm on day two and a half right now. I'll stay quit for my lungs alone, for good and they seem less strained, even clearer somehow. Those two irreplaceable reasons are enough of a scare as well to never EVER smoke again. Its not worth it. In the meantime I'll be watching my breathing, I'll ask my doc about it my next visit next month. I can't wait to tell him I finally quit, 'tho I'll be asking if I need any kind of scans.
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