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Give and get support around quitting


Better late than never!

I've been here about 12 days and just realized I never posted a proper introduction!

My name is Liz, aka airdance, and I'm a 30-year-old, gay woman living in Oregon with my girlfriend and two pets (one Golden Retriever, one Maine Coon cat). I'm a full-time student of psychology. Love reading, British films and television, needlepoint, gaming, and cooking.

I've been a nicotine addict since I was 12-years-old... had my first taste of cigarettes when I was around 8 and started steadily smoking around a pack a day by 12. It's been 18 years and I'm ready to get OFF of this nightmare merry-go-round. Smoking has been steadily ruining my health over the last eight years or so, with asthma exacerbations, bronchitis, respiratory infections, and recently pneumonia - I'm just now recovering from a terrible bout of bronch and pneumonia and I've made the decision to never smoke again. Cold turkey this time with no NRT; just lots of hard candy and the support of the fine folks in this support group.

I'm always available to listen and help another addict through hard times... feel free to message or e-mail me if you need a quit buddy when things get tough.

Stay clean, stay strong! NOPE, WIT, ODAAT.

Current QuitMeter report: One week, three days, 8 hours, 51 minutes and 23 seconds. 311 cigarettes not smoked, saving $104.98. Life saved: 1 day, 1 hour, 55 minutes.

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1 Reply

It is so good that you are here!

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