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Give and get support around quitting


Back in the day

Hi group,

Hope everyone is having a good Saturday. I just got back from shopping. You can't smoke in our mall so that is a good place to go when you need to get out. I found lots of stuff on sale so I loaded down. I go back to school on July 30 so I needed some new school clothes. My kids couldn't believe that we used to smoke in stores. I do. It's a wonder people didn't burn stores down. I remember smoking in doctor's and dentist's offices. I worked in the emergency room at our hospital and we all used to smoke out in the open. Every doctor smoked too. Can you imagine that happening now? My kids could not believe it. I guess that is one reason I started, it was so acceptable. I remember commercials on T.V. What do you all remember?

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Hi Moochie, I remember all that too. I went to a private school and the principle would smoke in the hallways. You could smoke in court and in any company building too! When my company (large financial firm), went smoke free in the late 80's, I actually considered quitting my job! I couldn't function without smoking all day, but as with most everything else, we adjust but they were always looking for me, (Most of my day I was standing outside the building smoking). The worst is that I have a picture of the day after I gave birth to my oldest daughter, she's now 37, but anyway, I was still in the hospital, sitting on the hospital bed, feeding her, holding the bottle with one hand and a cigarette in the other!!!! Just aweful, but your right, it was so accepted that it all seemed just normal to us. If we only knew then what we know now! Great topic. Thanks for being part of our group, you make a nice addition.
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