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Are these withdrawal symptoms normal?

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Hello, I was up to a full pack per day for past 3 years (ecigs prior for 5-6 years). I just quit on Dec 26th, 2020 and smoked only one each morning and one at bedtime for first 5 days.  I used Step 1 nicotine patches rest of day.  Threw away rest of that pack away on day 6 and decided to use patches only from time I wake until bedtime when I remove it, so been TOBACCO FREE 5 DAYS now, with patches. I am in so much pain!!! Chest pain (bad, tight, feels like pulled muscles in rib cage), congestion, headaches, feet tingling here and there, dizziness few times, ANXIETY and INSOMNIA (less than 2-3 hours per night of sleep).  I want to sleep so badly!!  Been quarantined for months now and COVID free (have chronic lyme disease).  Been using a medical detox used for lyme.  Has anyone else experienced withdrawals THIS bad???  I'm really struggling and my doc seems to think this is NORMAL for some odd reason?  Please help.  Seemed much easier to just smoke!  Is this really normal?  How long does this last if so???

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67 Replies

I haven't had a cigarette since the 24th of December. Yes its hard and I also had chest pains, tightness in the chest and my doctor also told me this was normal. I'm tired all the time so when I get home from work I do take a little nap. I do the nicotine lozenge. It helps with the craving for the cigarette but not the agitation.  I have limited my self to 6 a day. You can do this. No one said it would be easy. We spent years damaging our bodies and will take time to undo some of the damage, just keep that in mind. I also put up signs all over my house, on the refrigerator, bathroom mirror and dressers that say Melodee doesn't smoke anymore and the reasons why I don't want to smoke anymore. I hope this helps some


Thank you!  Day 11 for me in the process.  You're right...we will do this!!!  Hang in there.  Today for me was much easier than yesterday so thoughts of buying cigarettes at all.  Probably because yesterday was a really bad day, but we've got this.  Thanks for your support!

Not applicable

Insomnia  I had acid reflux which is common with people who quit smoking . Chest pain only when I have a COPD  or asthma exasperation so yes  chest pain from smoking which may also be a quit thzing ...tingling no . Our smoking can mask a lot of ailments but I would hope your dr knows you well and your medical history story and you know your body . You have talked to them so that's good . 

Keep your quit, best thing you can do for you , best thing we have all done ! Now more than ever , don't go back to smoking ! 


Thank you!  I hope your health is well today.  Yes, I have chronic lyme disease and it got really bad back in 2017. After wearing a heart monitor for 6 months (attacked heart sac), several hospitalizations, having meningitis (attacked brain causing brain fog)...list goes on...while I was on nonstop regimens of antibiotics, I finally went the homeopathic route a year into western med treatment (lots of Rx didn't help at all). The Cowden Protocol my homeoptahic doc put me on reversed everything within 6 months so that I am still here today and felt healthy as ever (until  I decided to quit smoking).  I still have to use the protocol to keep the lyme in check and it requires a medicinal detox.  As lyme dies off it releases toxins into the blood stream the detoxes take care of. So I've known for a few years that I truly need to quit smoking now to keep my health up, and my doc stays on me about it, luckily.  I've wanted to for over a year regardless of the lyme but never "quit" longer than a day here and there.  But I planned it this time with a specific date because I'm really serious finally.  I hate smoking now.  Yet I want to smoke so bad that I'm still up at 1am pouring my heart out to you all right now.  I'm so uncomfortable and exhausted.

Reading and responding is why I am not in my car right now on my way to the gas station. You all did it with withdraw symptoms just as bad as I'm having, so I know I can do this too.  And sorry I'm rambling.  But sincerely, thank you!


Congratulations on starting your quit!  As you think through these days, try to let yourself go through stuff--smoking won't fix it. There is never a good reason to smoke and the truth is you chose to quit for very good reasons. That is all that matters. The weird stuff will pass. Definitely keep in touch with your Doc--they get that quitting is not easy. Stick we Ex, we get it too. Here for you 24/7.


Thank you! Crying reading these replies so I'm finally at a loss for words now.  I'm just so irritated I can't fall asleep!  But this is truly the hug of support I need right now, and why I am NOT smoking tonight even if I don't sleep again...only 1am now, still hopeful it'll happen tonight. 


I find that i am hot and cold, and hot flashes.  I've had the lung pain, and coughing up flem.  I've had the waking up early and no sleep.  I'm so glad you are in touch with your doctor.  I also get dizzy a lot, feel like I'm going to pass out.

Your body is coming alive again!!  Good for you for being quit!!  Keep er going.


Okay.  Good point...our bodies are definitely waking up.  Guess mine is as excited as yours and refuses to sleep at all right now.  Night 3 of insomnia. We can do this. Thank you so much, Christine!

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Everyone has width-drawls in their first week of being smoke free. It may vary depending how much your smoke and what body type you have. I am not a doctor so I wouldn't really know. But we ALL have withdrawals in the first few weeks. BUT they do go away over-time. I know so from experience. It shows that your body is changing and for the better! Changing AND healing! One day you won't even crave a cigarettes' anymore and you'll feel freer and greater with absolutely no width-drawls or cravings to light up!

Stay strong!!


Okay, I will.  I made it thru today again...and now I've decided I will make it thru tonight again too.  Frustrated as all get out but now that I'm back here for a bit reading your comments I'm proud of myself too.  Hardest day so far is right (and tonight).  Thank you!!!