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Anyone else have a rough night of sleep?

I was dreaming all night long, and feel like I got only about 15 minutes of actual sleep.  I'm sooooo tired this morning.  I don't drink caffeine and I have to be online to start work virtually in 25 minutes.   I am not going to function well today.  Anyone else been having a lot of detailed dreams lately? 

Aaron 43 DOF

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11 Replies

Sorry Aaron aaronallred4891 I had a good night’s sleep...but I must tell you this pas Saturday night I had horrible sleep like you...Up all was horrible...I stayed busy all day Sunday and went to bed early and crashed...hang in there and I have a feeling tonight you will sleep like a baby...hope the day goes fast for you...~ Colleen 


I'm more weary this morning than when I went to bed ugh aaronallred4891 I am a coffee drinker so I'm hoping after my third cup I'll be ready to start the day lol  I hope you have a a wonderful day Aaron Hummm maybe a tall glass of pure orange juice would give you a lift a super congrats on your precious quit journey YAY for 43 splendiferous Smokefree days and counting WTG ....

Not applicable

My day was day before yesterday .. no sleep . 

My sleeping pattern did change when I quit smoking . 

I hope you will be able to manage your day ok . 

Great job on your quit . Keep it . 

Hopefully your night will be better tonight . 


I started "remembering" dreaming a lot more in the last couple of years.  I've even had some fun dreams about the COVID virus.  On the positive side I've been visited by many family and friends that are here and gone.  I've started accepting the fact, but they do wake me up at times.  Hope you get some more rest tonight.




Great job with your quit! I am only on day 9 and for some reason I feel like today may be a challenge for me so I need to stay busy. When you are being kept awake is it because of dreams? Or just restless? I have been reading for at least ten minutes before bed and it seems to make me sleepy. I hope you can stay focused today and get some good rest tonight!


I had a lousy night with dreaming, too.  My last one before I gave up was that I had agreed to be picked up by someone, forgot my cell phone, and there were about 6 roads all going in different directions at the place I had chosen.    Maybe march in place for just a bit before you log on?  Or do a few jumping jack motions?  Might get your blood flow a little improved.  Orange juice sounds like a good idea, too.

Stinks to have to focus when you are tired.  On a brighter note, aren't you glad you aren't an Air Traffic Controller or an operator at a nuclear power facility??!!!! 

Just get through today the best that you can!  You ARE accomplishing something wonderful, though.  YOU ARE QUITTING SMOKING!

Hang in there!



It's a full moon this week. I tossed and turned for hours then I slept waaaaaaay too long into the morning. 

The dreams are amazing. I'm retired so I can enjoy it. So sorry for you though! I hope you get through the day okay.

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I had many weird dreams last night & did NOT want to wake up. I was walking with former President Barack Obama & discussing “stuff.” It seemed very natural, l think l was giving him advice, LOL! I remember wondering if he quit smoking & l THINK l was about to ask him when the cat made a very unwelcome jump onto my bladder. Seriously?

l think a tall glass of orange juice sounds great, one of my kids’ teachers used to give all of the kids a mint before tests because she said it wakes up the brain. Of course, you probably don’t have a stash of mints laying around. Deep breaths, squats, ice on the back of your neck? Hope you have a WONDERFUL day!  Congratulations on 43 days of freedom!
