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Give and get support around quitting


Am I imagining things???

OK... I quit smoking on Sunday, June 22. Yesterday, I wore the 21mg Rite Aid Nicotine patch all day -- thanks to everyone on this site, I made it through. Today, I decided to see how long I can go without the patch -- I think this site helped me so much more in getting through my first 24 hours than the patch did. So far, so good -- no relapse, no patch. I'm so excited! I've been smoking for 28 years and I think I may actually make it this time! I love this site and all of you for being there!!!

I have been smoke free for 1 Day, 18 hours, 45 minutes and 45 seconds (1 days). I have saved $5.96 by not smoking 35 cigarettes. I have saved 2 hours and 55 minutes of my life. My Quit Date: 6/22/2008 2:27 PM

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44 Replies

Mother Goose,

It's so nice to see someone around here who can state their opinion without being offensive and/or critical of others. I personally am using an NRT. Before, I always thought that NRT's defeated the purpose of quitting. The last time I quit, the chemical withdrawals were VERY BAD. I have bipolar disorder, which is a chemical imbalance in the brain. The chemical adjustments took over a month to level out again before I was anything close to sane again. That is why I chose to go the NRT route this time. I have quit many times using the cold turkey methos for extended periods of time, 2 years once. I too believed I would never ever smoke again, but I did. My advantage in this discussion is that I have both experiences quitting. I can tell you from my own personal experience that with the exception of easing down the levels of nicotine in my body so that I don't end up in the nutty ward, quitting using an NRT has been no different for me than it ever was using the cold turkey method. Now to be honest though, I have not yet gone completely off of the patch yet so it remains to be seen how it will be when I do. But I can say without a doubt that everytime I go down on the dose, I do not crave cigarettes. I believe that is because, in my case, smoking has been primarily a mental addiction for me. I have still had to fight the urge to light up and replace it with other habits just like everyone else. After reading posts around here, my process of quitting has not been any different than those who are quitting cold turkey.
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Way to go Evie, you are on a roll!!!!!!!
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I think it is mainly one person who seams to be in a blind rage here. Not you by the way
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I looked on my box of patches and it says that the symptoms you're experiencing are due to nicotine overdose. I've been cutting my patches with scissors. I think you should go down on the dose. You can also call a pharmacist, which would be much cheaper than the ER
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thank you so much, will do, haven't smoked since father's day.... but this ringing in the ear is enough to drive a person to much worse that smoke lol.......... it is scary,
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Have you taken off the patch to see if it stops?? I'd just take it off until it quits and wait 'til then to put on another one.
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So this is what I think about stats. You can find stats for using the patch and you can find stats against using anything.

I figure you should use what works for you. None of the aids or going cold turkey will work unless you are committed to having them help. If anyone expect to slap on a patch and not want to smoke they are mistaken.

What the aids do is allow you to concentrate on all the other issues that smoking has given us. Once we get past needing to have a cig in our hands when we do everything then we can stop using the aid. The EX plan really helps with working on the triggers and lifestyle changes that we need to make to keep our quits. Use the EX plan, and then use or don't use other things....but do quit.

We are doing great!

We can do this!

Susan Day 120
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This is not a forum about government conspiracy.
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Thats the way it is girlfriend!
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I'm at a loss to explain why the US government guidelines now urge people not to quit without drugs and why,
Is it your contention that the government is wrong?

91% of the ex-smokers in the United States successfully quit without drugs, according to the government's own statistics.
Now your quoting what you just discredited.

We tremble at the firery intellect of your searing logic.
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