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Give and get support around quitting


All Day Dipper

Hello, my name is Peter.  I decided to quit nicotine yesterday when my girlfriend of one year, who I love, expressed her concern for my health.  Specifically, she said she didn't want me to get mouth cancer.  I started smoking cigarettes in college, needing one every hour or so.  I then changed over to dip when I started playing rugby.  It soon became an all day habit.  I always had to either have outside access or have a spitter.  I took "small" dips, keeping them in the back of my mouth so nobody would notice.  This was required because I literally have ALWAYS had a dip in.  Every waking second I needed a constant flow of nicotine.  This is why nicotine patches are a good option to help me quit. 

I've quit once before but had a psychotic episode a couple of months afterward.  It wasn't a direct cause, but one of many things that culminated to cause my episode.  I'm in a much better place emotionally now and much more stable than I was.  I think now is the right time to quit because of this stability.  I've already phased marijuana out of my life without unravelling, now it's time to fight an addiction that is even closer to my core.

It's very hard because I have a desk job that requires a lot of thinking and I'm used to having a dip in all day.  It'll be hard to discover my triggers because like I said, I always had a dip in.  Being around people with cigarettes is definitely a trigger because I readily smoked cigarettes while at bars, etc.

Sorry for the long post, but this is my first day without a dip in a long time and I needed to rant.

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1 Reply

I was a smoker I quit on march 2nd but i loved dip more I don't miss the cigarettes as much as dip.  I find myself still wanting a dip but i could care less about a cigarette.

dip is a hard one to quit but i used the gum for about 3 days before i stopped useing tobbacco and nicotine completely.  but i liked the gum because it was a lot like the dip.  you stick it in your lip and it tingles.  it definitly isnt dip but it is not as bad.

the most powerful weapon in your arsonal is will power.  good luck on quitting.  I ran away many a girl over dirty lips you have one that will stick it out for a year with you, hang on to her and loose the dip.  it is do able

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