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Give and get support around quitting


After 11 days

Still braindead and angry 

19 Replies

Thank you!

On Fri, Jan 11, 2019, 7:55 PM jconfusion <

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Congratulations on your 11 or is it 12 days now?  Do the deep breathing, it helps with the brain respiratory therapist told me to get some bubble juice and blow bubbles because if you exhale too quickly, you don't get any bubbles and watching them float away is a great distraction.  I never smoked in my house and I don't blow bubbles in it either but it really is an easy way to remind yourself of how to control your breathing.  I also sucked on Sour Patch Kids to change my mind...they were so sour that I forgot my craves for a bit.  I kept frozen fruit available and I drank so much water that I felt like my teeth were floating.

You are DOING this...keep going and have faith that it will get better.



      Been there. Didn't like it either. But I got better in spite of myself. My acceptance and happiness came through the back door. I had the front door open, saying "come on in, happiness and gratitude, I'm ready to feel better..." Sometime during the past 5.25 years that I didn't smoke, somewhere within the 43,000 cigarettes that I did not inhale--acceptance tip toed in.

     Congratulations on 11--you don't ever have to go through them again.  Keep it coming.


All I can say for you, Cindylegato‌, is "patience with the process".  You are actually right where you belong on the timelines... anger and brain fog are part of it.  

You smoked a lot longer than 11-12 days or even weeks.  It will NOT take that long (as long as you smoked) to get over to the better side, but it does take time and just plain "going through it" to get there.  Be angry, punch a pillow, kick a pillow, bark or howl at the moon, do whatever it takes but don't throw those lovely 11 or 12 days away by smoking.  Smoking will NOT make it better, now.  Your comfy happy smoker has left and only disappointment and disgust with self lurk inside those poison tubes of tobacco.

Patience my dear.  Some folks have a "click.... its better now" moment, but most including me, the "better" creeps in on little cat feet, softly but surely.... it will happen.  You have my permission to slap the monitor at the next person who tells you it will get better, I know you're sick of hearing that.  But it does, and it will.  If it didn't, I surely wouldn't be smoke-free today, I'm not strong enough to put up with feeling "quitting crappy" forever.

Best always!!


Thank you for that. Quite a writer, too.

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Hang in there. You are doing great. It will get better even if it doesn’t seem that way now. We have all been there. We are here to hold your hand through your quit. You got this


It gets better...takes time... 


11 days is tremendous.  don't lose it.  Day one just gets harder and harder with each loss.  You have jumped the highest hurdles with week one.  You are almost at week two. Hold on tight to that quit. As if your life depends on it, because it does.  This might help, I listened to it over and over and over my first three months. Hypnosis to quit smoking mindfully - YouTube 


Thank you Karen!  I just did it and bookmarked it!


Hang in there Cindy!  It gets better along the way I hear.