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A Little Tough Love ...for Some of You Strugglers From Someone That's Been There

Retrieved this from   Thought it was a great post from 2007.   If it helps you, use it.  If it doesn't - don't use it.


A Little "Tough Love" ... for Some of You Strugglers from Someone That's Been There
FROM:   melder7777 on 6/22/2007 7:13:16 AM
Most of the time I just post stuff because I’m thinking about it at the time and writing out my thoughts helps me to stay focused.  The way I figure, people will either “get it” or they won’t ... I can only hope that they do.  If something I happen to write makes them think for a couple of minutes … at least long enough to get past whatever is going on in THIS particular moment? …well hey … that’s great.  I love seeing people beat this addiction.  I KNOW what it could mean NOT to.  Anyway ... just a little something to think about if you’re struggling because this is something I think about myself.  


Be honest with yourself.  Have you been sitting at your computer for hours and hours (and hours) fighting with those craves and feeling like you just can’t make the next minute?  Well ... have you been paying attention to what people are telling you about getting up and getting some exercise? Or reading a book? Or soaking in a tub? Or doing some spring cleaning? etc. etc. etc.?  Or have you been sitting around doing nothing BUT concentrating on how much you hate the side affects of quitting?  Well, you know ... that COULD be (at least a PART) of the reason they seem so overwhelming to you.  
This isn’t just about quitting smoking.  It's about taking control of YOUR life.  It’s about WORKING to make it better.  I can’t imagine anything harder than spending the whole day focused on nothing but cravings.  This is just one of those take it or leave it suggestions but you know what?  If you REALLY want to WIN this battle then do yourself a favour and put some real effort into the thing that you’re fighting for in the first place ... YOUR life.  It requires balance.  And you’ll find that’s MUCH easier to accomplish if you’re willing to be honest with yourself about how much time you’re spending missing something you’ve chosen to give up AND how much time you’re spending ENJOYING what that choice is bringing you.  


You only get one life you know.  It goes by pretty quickly.  Are you going to live it or WISH that you had?
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2 Replies

Thank’s for posting this, @Giulia !  I am trying to help someone who just “doesn’t get it”.  Will try this...  Have a great smoke free Wednesday!  In intend to do the same!  R


Absolutely a great post Ms G... @Giulia 

You only get one life you know.  It goes by pretty quickly.  Are you going to live it or WISH that you had?”  Quote

So true is this quote...

Hope all is well in your world...~ Fondly, Colleen 


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