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Discuss different approaches to quitting, including medication


water for a thirsty man

Reading about others struggles with quitting smoking has been like water for my thirst. I'm often unable to convince myself, quitting is even preferable.  But, seeing and hearing what others are going through, helps me focus on my goal. After reading these posts, I enjoy the relief accompanying less tobacco. Martin 

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Water!  I know how you meant it, but the title caught my eye because water is working great for me!  I started bike riding again this summer (nothing heavy, but enough to break a sweat), and it made me really pay attention to hydration and the simple act of drinking more water throughout every day.  It actually pushed me toward joining this program because I just felt better and wanted to take an obvious next step. 

Simple ice water: drink more of it, keep a glass nearby, it can even provide that slight distraction to skip a smoke, and it's helping me.  My quit date is 10/4/21, and I'm tapering down from 10 per day to 0 by then (already at 6/day after 2 weeks, 2 weeks to go).  Water is helping!

Making sure you have some on hand before a bike ride, a walk, a workout, working at your desk, etc. is also a great "planning" substitute for planning when to buy some more smokes.  And a clean, bright, refreshing glass of ice water is such a better visual than an ashtray or a stubbed cigarette butt.

Let's keep it up!



@dbarris  Happy to see you're still preparing for you're quit.  Well done!


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Thanks!  And I just started reporting each cigarette on the tracker page.  Accountability to anyone other than myself is not something I'm super comfortable with, but that's a two-edged sword I will just need to find the comfortable medium on.  Keeping at it . . .


I drank lots and lots of water.  It helped tremendously.  A great REPLACEMENT for a stinkin cigarette. 

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