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Discuss different approaches to quitting, including medication


accupunture and TobacOff

So far I have quit since the 21st of mar. I also quit in october but started again in December. My new thing is accupunture. I have only went to one session but i do believe teh TobacOff they gave me helps me more than anything on the market for nicotine has done. I am calmer, less cravings and it seems a little easeir. The good thing is there is no nicotine in the TobacOFF, only detox stuff, mental stuff and lung therapy. I really like it. Nothing has ever worked for me before. I have had too much stress anxiety and crazyniess just to stay quit. But 9 days in and if feels like i have been quit for alot longer. My mentality, and spirit has changed making this road alot easier. I suggest doing acuupunture for anyone. Since our lives are always busy and on the run then this gives you a 1hr to yourself time just feeling your senses. Add that with yoga and there is two hrs a week to listen to your body for a change. Everyone (especially smokers) are always run run run. never time to relax. For me it is to stay busy but also give a couple hours a week to my body and see what i really want.

Good luck all.
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I've always wanted to try acupuncture but I am nervous around needles and my skin bruises easily.  @joan8 

There is always someone who needs your attention on ex. Let's ensure everyone has someone supporting them.
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