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Discuss different approaches to quitting, including medication


Still getting the urge

Only on my second day I know this was going to be hard at first thinking I need some help how do you go about getting the patches got to get something to try to lower the urge to smoke

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6 Replies

@paul31709 Welcome to the Ex.  Think about what you want to do.  If you're already on your second day, you have to decide if you really want/need the patches now.  It's personal decision.  I used two aids, but you have to remember you still need to do the work.  Have you been reading material on the site about nicotine addiction and having a quit plan?  If not, it's not too late.  This link is  great place to start

Re: November Daily Pledge 2022 - EX Community

Also, consider taking the Daily Pledge to stay on track one day at a time.

Stay busy and stay close.

1-880 -QUIT-NOW will get you to your state help line and usually some free aids.





  • Thank you for your support I'm just having a case of nicotine withdrawal today just think I need to get by the craving

@paul31709   This is a good article from the Mayo clinic to help deal with cravings and creating new associations instead of smoking.

Finding Replacements for Cigarettes, E-cigarettes,... - EX Community

Reach out if you need more help.  If you're thinking about smoking come here first and let us try to help you ride through the urge.  It really works!



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Takes 3 days for the nicotine to leave your system.  I am on Quit Day 47.  The first 2.5 days were easy.  2.5 days to 3 weeks were a challenge.  A moment to moment battle, but I wasn't giving in and smoking a cig.  Write, read, distract....bite a lemon, count backwards, put your head in a freezer til it passes.  Took me 3 weeks to come out of the depression and the mads.  I wrote inspirational phrases over and over.  I broke at day 7 and found a vape pen that I had hated, but hit it a few times and never did that again.  Read about COPD.  Read all about how bad cigs are for you.  Educate yourself and you will remember why you want to quit. Post in here....I did and I'm not even sure anybody read it, but it helped me.  God is the only reason I was able to withdraw from nicotine.  You are in my prayers.  You are stronger than your addiction.

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I am currently chatting with someone on EX coach chat that is sending me a 4 week supply. Hoping it will work or give me s good kick start


@paul31709 For most people, nicotine withdrawal fade and are gone after about 2 to 4 weeks.  Stay close. 


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